P30 Core Grant

Directed by Irina Pikuleva, PhD, there currently are three core modules in the Visual Sciences Research Center: Specialized Animal Resources, Molecular Biology and Genotyping, and Analytical Services. Please click each core module link for a detailed description of its services.

Please cite the Core Grant on all publications: EY11373.

The Core Modules

The three primary areas of study in the Visual Science Research Center include:

VSRC Core Labs Sign-Up

Core Lab Contact Request Access

Specialized Animal Resources, Heather Butler

(request meeting, please allow two weeks to schedule)





Molecular Biology and Genotyping, John Denker

(request access or meeting)

Please email the manager protocol(s) including details on the primers for genotyping 

Light Cycler 96 Calendar

Li-Cor Calendar

Eppendorf Real Plex II

SpectraMax microplate reader

Histology, Catherine Doller or Dawn Smith

Microscopy, Maryanne Pendergast (request access)

Zeiss Axio Scan.Z1 Slide Scanner

Olympus FV1200 Confocal Microscope

Leica DMI 6000b Inverted Microscope

Olympus BX-60 Upright Microscope


Small molecule mass spectrometry, Marcin Golczak (request meeting, please allow two weeks to schedule)  

Core Managers' Availability