Dr. Barkoukis Contributes to Proposed Nutrition Competencies for Medical Students and Physician Trainees

Department Chair and Associate Professor Hope Barkoukis, PhD, RDN, LD, FAND served on an expert panel charged with determining the essential nutrition competencies that should be taught to medical students and physician trainees.  Through a modified Delphi process, the panel reached consensus on 36 nutrition competencies to recommend at undergraduate and/or graduate medical education levels.  .

Dr. Barkoukis is the curriculum creator/faculty co-lead for the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Wellness and Preventive Care Pathway for medical students and holds the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Professorship of Wellness and Preventive Care.  The Mandel Pathway introduces medical students to stress reduction techniques, social well-being habits, nutrition, lifestyle and culinary medicine. In 2018 the Mandel Pathway received national recognition and an  from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation.  Learn more about the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Wellness and Preventive Care Pathway here.