Tuesday, March 19, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Add to Calendar: Add to Calendar 2024-03-19 12:00:00 2024-03-19 13:00:00 Pre-Professional Health Series: Personal statement review workshop (in-person) Please join Anthony Saar, M.Ed., Director of PRIME, and Tessianna Misko, PhD, Director of Career & Professional Development for this in-person personal statement workshop. Students are asked to bring a copy of their personal statement drafts that they can share with another student during the workshop to get some feedback on your draft to further the development of your personal statement. Sharing with others is how you can start to gauge if the message you are trying to get across in your personal statement is what others are perceiving. Weatherhead School of Management Weatherhead School of Management UTC public
Event Details
Please join Anthony Saar, M.Ed., Director of PRIME, and Tessianna Misko, PhD, Director of Career & Professional Development for this in-person personal statement workshop. Students are asked to bring a copy of their personal statement drafts that they can share with another student during the workshop to get some feedback on your draft to further the development of your personal statement. Sharing with others is how you can start to gauge if the message you are trying to get across in your personal statement is what others are perceiving.
Event Address
Robbins building, E322 ()