APPLY to KUH Training Network:

Kidney, Urology, Hematology –Training Network TL1

                             Application for post-doctoral support beginning June 1, 2024

Awards of support are for two years. Receipt of a second year of support is contingent on satisfactory progress and participation in training network activities.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents (Green Card holders). 

As noted in PAR-248: “Individuals from diverse backgrounds, including underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and women are always encouraged to apply for NIH support. See, Reminder: Notice of NIH's Encouragement of Applications Supporting Individuals from Underrepresented Ethnic and Racial Groups as well as Individuals with Disabilities, .”

Please submit 3 separate files containing all required information with the following labels:

  1. Trainee application: Trainee name_Trainee proposal_submission date;
  2. Mentor qualifications and training plan: Trainee name_Mentor Information_submission date; and 
  3. Mentor’s letter of support: Trainee name_Mentor support letter_submission date.

The Mentor’s letter must be submitted separately.

DEADLINE IS April 15, 2024

Submit all material to

Applicant Information

A1. Applicant’s Name

A2. Applicant’s Institution

A3. Applicant’s career Stage (i.e. first year PhD student, second year ostdoctoral fellow)

A4. Address the following topics within the word limitations listed under separate headings.

  1. Describe the applicant’s goals and expectations from the training program. (500 words or less)
  2. Describe the applicant’s career goals with expected timelines for advancement (600 words or less)
  3. Briefly summarize your research plan and how it fits within the goal of NIDDK and the goals of the Kidney, Urology, Hematology Training Network (KUH-TN) to broadly and rigorously train predoctoral students and postdoctoral fellows for careers in renal, benign urologic and/or benign hematologic research. (1 page or less)

A5. Professional development and monitoring the progress of supported trainees is key to trainee success.

  • For postdoctoral trainees: Postdoctoral trainees should create a Mentoring Committee and list potential members here. If a postdoctoral trainee already has a Mentoring Committee, the members should be listed here. One member of the Steering Committee of the KUH-TN will be assigned by the Steering Committee to the Mentoring Committee. The Mentoring Committee should not include the applicant’s direct supervisor. It is expected that the Mentoring Committee will meet twice a year.

A6. Attach an up-to-date curriculum vitae for the applicant.

Mentor Information

M1. Mentor’s name:

M2. Mentors career stage (i.e. assistant, associate, full professor):

M3. Describe the mentoring plan (1 page or less). Include:

  1. Specific milestones (i.e. manuscript submissions, grant submissions, presentations at national meetings);
  2. Plans for career development
    1. How the mentoring plan fits the applicant’s career goals and the goals of the PAR-248  
    2. How the mentoring plan will providing networking opportunities within the KUH community
    3. How the mentoring plan promotes professional development

M4. List of mentor’s previous trainees (PhD students and postdoctoral fellows) in the previous past 5 years and their current positions in tabular format.

M5. Indicate funding sources that will be used to support the applicant during the training period. M6. List current and past positions for the previous 10 years (if any)

M7. List ALL active and pending research support.

M8. List all full publications in the past 10 years (no abstracts please).

Mentor letter of support

M9. Submit a letter addressing the applicant’s aptitude for a research career (1 page or less). This MUST be submitted by the Mentor separately. DO NOT submit it with the body of the application!