ISSACS-Supported Proposal Team Wins NSF CIVIC Planning Grant

A multi-institutional team of Cleveland researchers, public leaders, and urban planners will attack a common paradox in a planning effort supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF): how can older cities like Cleveland provide mobility options that resolve the mismatch between affordable housing and often far-flung job locations?

The award is part of the , a novel national competition to fund research-based pilot projects sponsored by the NSF and the U.S. Department of Energy, with an opportunity to receive up to $1 million in implementation support.

“Our vision is to leverage existing transportation collaborations with technologies to develop a hybrid public-private transportation system to improve transportation equity,” said Pan Li, associate professor in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering at ǿմý’s Case School of Engineering, who is serving as principal investigator in the project. “It is our privilege to have this great opportunity to collaborate with our civic partners to address the spatial mismatch problem our local communities are facing.”

Last spring ISSACS, in partnership with the (IOTC) and the at Cleveland State University, convened a group of community partners to brainstorm ideas for the CIVIC opportunity, build multidisciplinary faculty teams and then support the proposal development and submission.

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