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Gender (M/F)*Race / EthnicityApplicant NameInternal or External (I/E)Date of Interview**Action Taken Code (Please see below)**Action Taken Codes:Candidate SelectedCandidate did not show up for interviewUnable to contact candidateUnsatisfactory referencesSalary requested higher than available/budgetCandidate rejected offerCandidate withdrew/declined interviewUnfavorable interviewPerson selected had more experience in required areaCandidate indicated short time commitmentCandidate not available to work in immediate futureInterviewer(s):Selected Candidate:Anticipated Start Date:Proposed Starting Salary:$  All fields are required. Please return the completed form by email to your recruiter, or fax to Human Resources at 216-368-4678 *Race/Ethnicity Codes: HR collects certain information for statistical reporting and to meet Federal EEP/AA requirements. It is illegal to ask an applicant his/her race, however, it is legal to make reasonable inferences about a candidates race from his/her physical appearance. If candidates are interviewed, Race/Ethnicity should not be marked UNK. code I: American Indian or Alaskan Native (Not Hispanic or Latino) A person having origins in any of the original people of North and South America (including Central America), who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment code A: Asian (Not Hispanic or Latino) A person having origins in any of the original people of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam code B: Black or African American (Not Hispanic or Latino) A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa code H: Hispanic or Latino A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race code P: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Not Hispanic or Latino) A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands code W: White (Not Hispanic or Latino) A person having origins in any of the original people of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa code UNK: Unknown >@ANOSY[gipwʾ{sk`TI>Ih)]hCJaJh)]hRCJaJh)]hRCJ\aJhuQh)rCJ aJ h)]CJaJh)rCJaJh1h)]CJaJh1hOCJaJh1hCJaJh1h1CJaJh1hRCJaJh1h15CJaJh1h5CJaJhVq~5CJaJh1h)]5CJaJh1hR5CJaJ(jh{ 56CJUaJmHnHuAO9 :   / J \ p $$Ifa$gdVq~ $$Ifa$gdO dgdgdgd)] Jgd)r$a$gd)]$a$gdVq~8 9 : A T m }     \ ^ ƸrrcXLDXLhekMCJaJh2xht5CJaJhOhekMCJaJhVq~hKB*CJaJphhVq~h-=56CJaJhVq~h56CJaJhVq~hY&56CJaJhVq~hekM56CJaJhVq~hF56CJaJhVq~hK56CJaJhuQhCJ aJ h)]hCJaJh)]hRCJaJh)]hRCJ\aJhuQh)]CJ \aJ  1+ $$Ifa$gdO$Ifkd$$IfTsֈEh*; 4 t 0+44 laytekMT^   + , H I c d ! 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