Title: Mediation
Approved by:
Date Approved:
Effective Date: 06/03/2019
Responsible Official: Vice President of Human Resources
Responsible University Office: HR Professional Development Center
Revision History: 05/01/2017
Related Legislation and University policies:
Review Period: 5 years
Date of Last Review:
Relates to: executive staff, senior staff, and staff
Exclusions: none
Policy Statement
The university recognizes that employees occasionally experience communication issues with colleagues. The university believes that dialogue can increase collaboration in the workplace. For that reason, the university provides mediation services to staff.
This service is available to executive staff, senior staff, and staff and offers a safe space for employees to discuss appropriate issues with a neutral third party. The purpose of mediation is to allow the parties to come to an amicable resolution of their workplace dispute.
If an employee believes they have a dispute with a co-worker or supervisor that involves workplace conflict, the employee may request mediation at AskHR@case.edu. Human Resources will determine whether mediation services will be offered.
The mediation process will remain confidential. Key parties to the dispute must agree to the mediation process.
If an employee believes they have a dispute with a co-worker or supervisor that involves discrimination, harassment, or bullying, the employee should contact the Office of Equity.
Further information about the university’s staff mediation services can be found at: /hr/programs-services/professional-development/staff-mediation-services.
Faculty should utilize mediation services as provided in the Faculty Handbook.