Title: Tobacco-Free Campus
Approved by:
Date Approved:
Effective Date: 07/01/2017
Responsible Official: Vice President of Human Resources
Responsible University Office: HR Wellness Office
Revision History: 07/01/2005
Related Legislation and University Policies:
Review Period: 4 years
Date of Last Review: 09/01/2019; 9/1/2022
Relates to: faculty, executive staff, senior staff, staff, term employees, temporary employees, student employees, postdoctoral scholars, postdoctoral fellows, research scholars, research fellows, students, independent contractors and subcontractors, patients, and visitors
Policy Statement
To foster a healthy culture and environment, the university is a tobacco-free campus. “Tobacco” refers to any product containing tobacco in any form including, but are not limited to, cigarettes (clove, bidis, kreteks, ecigarettes), cigars and cigarillos, pipes, all forms of smokeless tobacco, and any other smoking devices that use tobacco such as hookahs, and any other existing or future smoking, tobacco or tobacco-related products.
Faculty, executive staff, senior staff, staff, and students should refer to the university’s at to review the entire Tobacco-Free Policy or if they need assistance with tobacco cessation.