Employment Orientation Period

Title: Employment Orientation Period
Approved by
Date Approved:
Effective Date: 06/03/2019
Responsible Official: Vice President of Human Resources
Responsible University Office: HR Employee Relations
Revision History: 01/01/1995; 01/01/2002; 01/01/2008
Related Legislation and University policies: Vacation Policy; Sick Pay Policy
Review Period: 5 years
Date of Last Review
Relates to: senior staff and staff
Exclusions: executive staff

Policy Statement

All full and part-time senior staff and staff employees new to a position (e.g., newly hired or acquired through internal transfer or promotion) will work through an Employment Orientation Period for the first three (3) months. The purpose of the employment orientation period is to:

  • Ensure the position remains as described during the interview process;
  • Confirm the employee demonstrates the skills to be successful in the position;
  • Provide a period of adjustment to the university community;
  • Conduct orientations and training as required;
  • Communicate ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½ employment expectations; and
  • Provide an opportunity for the employee to review and commit to these standards.

The supervisor is responsible for initiating the process by completing the Staff Orientation Evaluation.

Supervisors are responsible for completing an evaluation on the employee's progress during the orientation period and at the completion of the orientation period. All employees, new and internal employees (transferred or promoted internally), should meet with their supervisor at one (1) month, at two (2) months, and at three (3) months to complete the Staff Orientation Evaluation in addition to any regularly scheduled weekly/biweekly meetings.

Holidays and any days off will be taken into account when calculating the three (3) months of the orientation period and/or any extensions, and will be extended accordingly.

At the end of the orientation period review, supervisors will recommend one (1) of three (3) courses of action in writing: 

  • Employment will continue and the orientation period will be completed;
  • Employment will continue but the orientation period will be extended due to either specific performance issues or to allow the supervisor additional time to evaluate performance during a typical workload; or
  • Employment will be severed because the employee is not likely to be successful in the position (requires advance consultation and approval by Employee Relations).

Extending Orientation

Decisions to extend the orientation period should be made in consultation with Employee Relations. If the supervisor determines that it is necessary to extend the orientation period, a completed Staff Orientation Evaluation must be submitted to Employee Relations prior to the end of three (3) months. Supervisors should contact Employee Relations at AskHR@case.edu   two (2) weeks before the end of the orientation period if they wish to extend the orientation period. Requests to extend orientation will not be accepted after the three (3) month orientation period ends.

Orientation will be extended in one (1) month increments. In certain circumstances, orientation may be extended up to a total of three (3) times (i.e. three (3) months total). If, due to the nature of the position, a supervisor recognizes that training for the position requires a longer orientation period (unrelated to the employee’s performance), the supervisor should inform the employee during the interview process.

If the employee’s performance is below standards during the orientation period, the supervisor must consult with Employee Relations to terminate the employee’s employment.

Severing Employment

  • New employees who are informed of the intent to sever the employment relationship have the option to resign once they are advised of the performance deficiencies.
  • Transferred/promoted employees who are not successful in the new position may:
    • apply for another position on campus via HCM;
    • apply for their former position if it is still available.

Absences During Orientation 

New Hire

New employees are not permitted to miss time during their Orientation Period. In cases of an emergency, a new employee who misses time will not be paid for that time. The orientation will likewise be extended by the number of days missed. 


Transferred and promoted employees are not permitted to miss time during their Orientation Period. In cases of an emergency, a transferred or promoted employee who misses time can take a sick or vacation day for absences, or will be unpaid if they have no sick or vacation time. The orientation will likewise be extended by the number of days missed. 


If orientation is extended after three (3) months, the employee’s sick time will be issued (i.e. show in HCM). An employee may, at the discretion of their supervisor, use their accrued sick or vacation time during their orientation extension. The orientation will likewise be extended by the number of days missed.