From the By-Laws of the Faculty Senate, By-law VII., Item f., Par. 1-4:
"1) The Committee on Research shall consist of the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, ex officio, the Associate Vice President for Research, ex officio, nine voting members of the University Faculty elected by the Faculty Senate, one undergraduate student elected by the Undergraduate Student Government, three student members elected by the Graduate Student Senate, and one postdoctoral scholar/fellow elected by the Post Doctoral Researchers Association. The term of membership on the Committee on Research shall be three years for faculty members and one year for student and postdoctoral scholar/fellow members. Each elected faculty member shall be eligible for re-election only after the lapse of at least one year following the expiration of two consecutive three year terms of membership. The terms of student and postdoctoral scholar/fellow members shall begin immediately upon their election to the Committee at the first regular meeting of the Faculty Senate subsequent to Commencement each year. Student and postdoctoral scholar/fellow members shall be eligible for re-election annually.
2) No more than two of the nine faculty members of the Committee on Research shall be chosen from any one constituent faculty.
3) The Committee on Research shall participate in the initiation and formulation of University policies bearing directly on academic research encompassing all disciplines and shall direct such participation towards facilitation of the performance of high quality research. The Committee shall devote special attention to the policies and regulations deriving from sponsoring agencies providing funding from sources outside the University and shall direct its attention to the maintenance of a proper balance between the recognition and fulfillment of obligations assumed in the acceptance of outside funding and the retention of academic freedom in the pursuit of appropriate research initiatives.
4) The Committee on Research shall monitor the implementation of existing research policy to determine status and adequacy. Categories of interest to the Committee shall include, but not be limited to, research involving human subjects, animal experimentation, inventions and patents, copyrights, computer resources, and biohazards. The Committee shall request regular annual reports from such administrative committees as specifically deal with these and other categories within the Committee’s purview and shall maintain accurate and timely information with respects to these categories. The Committee shall participate in an advisory capacity in the selection of qualified members to serve on either faculty or administrative committees dealing with the research-related categories within its purview."