From the By-Laws of the Faculty Senate, By-Law VII., Item j., Par. 1-3:
"1) The Committee on Information & Communication Technology shall consist of the Provost or designated deputy, the Vice President for University Technology, and the Associate Provost and University Librarian, ex officiis, as non-voting members; nine voting members of the University Faculty elected by the Faculty Senate, no more than two from each constituent faculty; and one undergraduate student elected by the Undergraduate Student Government, one graduate student elected by the Graduate Student Council, and one postdoctoral scholar/fellow elected by the Postdoctoral Association. The Chair or the designee of the Committee on University Libraries shall sit ex officio as a voting member on the Committee on Information & Communication Technology; and the Chair, or the designee of the Committee on Information & Communication Technology shall sit ex officio on the Committee on University Libraries. The term of membership for faculty on the Committee on Information & Communication Technology shall be three years; three members shall be elected each year. Each elected faculty member of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election only after the lapse of at least one year following the expiration of two consecutive three-year terms of membership. The term of membership for student and postdoctoral scholar/fellow members shall be one year, beginning immediately upon their election to the Committee at the first regular meeting of the Faculty Senate subsequent to Commencement each year. Student and postdoctoral scholar/fellow members shall be eligible for re-election.
2) The Faculty Senate Committee on Information and Communication Technology (FSCICT) shall advise the Vice President for University Technology and the Information Technology Executive Committee on policies, strategies and practices that promote the effective use and management of information and communication technologies (ICT) to support the University’s academic, research, and administrative missions.
The committee shall:
a) Establish priorities related to ICT policies and strategies on the campus;
b) Review and provide input annually on the operations and budget of University Technology;
c) Advise, consult and help develop guidelines and policies on how to organize and govern information and communication-related services, and how to develop, select and budget for ICT within University Technology.
The Committee shall review the information technology and telecommunications infrastructures for teaching, research, and service; collaboration technologies; and administrative systems, especially those related to the academic advising and research administration.
3) The Committee shall report to the Faculty Senate at least once each year."