Committee on Faculty Personnel


From the By-Laws of the Faculty Senate, By-Law VII., Item e., Par. 1-3:

"1) The Committee on Faculty Personnel shall consist of a deputy designated by the President, a member of the Committee on Faculty Compensation elected by that committee to serve ex officio, and nine voting members of the University Faculty elected by the Faculty Senate. The term of membership on the Committee on Faculty Personnel shall be three years; three members shall be elected each year. Each elected member shall be eligible for re-election only after the lapse of at least one year following the expiration of two consecutive three-year terms of membership.

2) The Committee on Faculty Personnel shall review faculty personnel policies and procedures, including those having to do with appointment, reappointment, promotion, tenure, and retirement and shall recommend to the Faculty Senate as to desirable changes in these policies and procedures.

3) At least once every other academic year, the Committee on Faculty Personnel, or one of its subcommittees, shall discuss with the Provost or Dean of each constituent faculty the personnel policies and procedures of that faculty. Each year the Committee shall request of the chief academic officer of the University a report on personnel actions in the categories designated in Paragraph (2) of this item."