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Project Electrical Engineer: (Name) (Address) (City, State, Zip) Project Engineer: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Electrical Project Number: I. Project Consultant: (Name) (Address) (City, State, Zip) Project Consultant: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Consultants Project Number: J. Project Bidding Documents: One (1) set of Contract Documents will be issued to each invited Bidder, at no cost. Bidder may obtain additional prints and specifications, at its cost, from: eBlueprint 3666 Carnegie Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 Telephone No.: (216) 281-1234 All Contract Documents, including those purchased, must be returned to the Architect within ten (10) days after the notification by the Architect that your bid has not been accepted. If, for any reason, you are unable to submit a bid, please notify the Architect, in writing, promptly. K. Mandatory Pre-Bid Project Walk-Through: Date: Time: Meeting Location: Parking Location: L. Consideration of Bids: Bid Due Date: Bid Due Time: Your Bid must be submitted in triplicate in a sealed envelope with the project name identified and PROJECT BID clearly marked on the envelope, and must include the following documents: Bid Document - 00200. Construction Schedule. Proof of Insurance on the Acord 25 insurance form and State of Ohio Workers Compensation Certificate per the Owners Instructions for Insurance and Bonds (copy attached), Section 00300. Proof of ability to secure a Bond submitted on AIA Document A312, if required, Section 00350. A tabulation of subcontractors, suppliers, and other persons and organizations that will be hired by Bidder as part of this Project. Contractors Qualification Statement, AIA Document A305, (copy attached), Section 00370. Bid Submittal: Faxed or e-mailed bids WILL NOT be accepted. Hand Delivery: Office of Construction Services Cedar Avenue Service Center 10620 Cedar Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106 Mailing Address: Office of Construction Services Cedar Avenue Service Center 10620 Cedar Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106 - 7228 Attn: CASC Construction Services Federal Express: Office of Construction Services Cedar Avenue Service Center 10620 Cedar Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106 Bid Opening: Privately M. Required Documents at Award: A Schedule of Values. Revised Construction Schedule (If requested by Owner). M/WBE Information as requested in the Instructions to Bidders, AIA Document A701-1997 (electronic format), revised Case version. If the successful Bidder is an entity formed under the laws of a state other than Ohio, a certificate from the Ohio Secretary of State showing the right of the successful Bidder to do business in the State of Ohio. 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