Yue Li, PhD

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Case School of Engineering

Designs and improves resilient buildings and infrastructure.

Research Information

Research Interests

  • Resilient and sustainable civil infrastructure systems.
  • Structural reliability, risk assessment, and probabilistic design.
  • Application of statistical methods and data analysis.
  • Structural load modeling and combinations of loads.
  • Effects of climate change on infrastructure risk assessment and climatic adaptation.

Awards and Honors

ABSE Outstanding Paper Award
Scientific Paper
Case School of Engineering Graduate Teaching Award
Nomination for John S. Diekhoff Award for Distinguished Graduate Student Mentoring
Nomination of the Case School of Engineering Research Award
Nomination of the Srinivasa P. Gutti Memorial Engineering Teaching Award
Outstanding Reviewer of Journal of Structural Safety
Great Lakes Energy Institute Faculty Fellows

External Appointments

  • Guest Editor, Special Issue of ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering (2021) on Advances in Data-Driven Risk-Based Performance Assessment of Structures and Infrastructure Systems
  • Section Editor, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE (Since 2020)
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE (Since 2012)
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE (Since 2014)
  • Editorial Board, Structural Safety (Since 2017)
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure (Since 2015)
  • Guest Editor, Special Issue of ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering (2016) on Recent Advances in Special Issue on Recent Advances in Multi-Hazard Assessment, Design and Mitigation for Structures and Infrastructures
  • Chair of Technical Council on Life-Cycle Performance, Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structural Systems Task Group 3 (TG3): Risk Assessment of Structural Infrastructure Facilities and Risk-Based Decision Making (2018 - 2022)
  • Chair of the ASCE-SEI Technical Activities Division Committee on Multiple Hazard Mitigation (2015-2018)
  • Chair of the ASCE-SEI Technical Activities Division Committee on the Design of Wood Structures (2011-2014)
  • Founding member and vice chair of the ASCE-SEI Technical Activities Division Committee on Multiple Hazard Mitigation (2010-2014)
  • Member of ASCE - 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures Task Committee on Strength Criteria (Load Combinations) (Since 2011)
  • Control member of the ASCE-SEI Technical Council on Life-Cycle Performance, Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structural Systems (Since 2009)
  • Vice chair of the ASCE-SEI Technical Activities Division Committee on the Reliability-Based Design of Wood Structures (2007-2010)
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  • Structural Engineering Institute (ASCE-SEI)
  • American Association for Wind Engineers (AAWE)
  • Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)
  • Transportation Research Board (TRB)
  • Sigma Xi


  • Mazumder, R., Modanwal, G., & Li, Y. (2023). Synthetic Data Generation using Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for Burst Failure Risk Analysis of Oil and Gas Pipelines. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Mechanical Engineering, 3 (), 9.
  • Wang, J., Tye, L., & Li, Y. (2023). Loss Assessment of Post-Earthquake Vertical Load-Carrying Capacity for Pile-Column Bridges in Liquefied Ground with Large Deformation. Engineering Mechanics, ().
  • Truong, Q., Soueidy, C., Hawchar, L., & Li, Y. (2023). Modelling Two-Dimensional Chloride Diffusion in Repaired RC Structures for Sustainable Maintenance Management. Structures, 51 (), 895-909.
  • Feng, D., Li, Y., Shafieezadeh, A., & Taciroglu, E. (2023). Advances in Data-Driven Risk-Based Performance Assessment of Structures and Infrastructure Systems. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 5 (), 149.
  • Lin, W., Mazumder, R., & Li, Y. (2023). Topology-based Resilience Metrics for Seismic Performance Evaluation and Recovery Analysis of Water Distribution Systems. ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, 1 (), 14.
  • Cao, X., Feng, D., & Li, Y. (2023). Assessment of various seismic fragility analysis approaches for structures excited by non-stationary stochastic ground motions. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, (), 186.
  • Feng, D., Xun, X., Li, Y., & Wu, G. (2023). Two-Parameter-Based Damage Measure for Probabilistic Seismic Analysis of Concrete Structures. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 1 (), 9.
  • Wang, C., Teh, L., & Li, Y. (2023). Time-dependent reliability assessment of steel pipelines subjected to localized corrosion. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, (), 1505-1515.
  • Liu, D., Phillips, L., Li, Y., & Chen, X. (2023). Assessment of Public Flood Risk Perception and Influencing Factors: An example from Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, China. Sustainability, 14 (), 15.
  • Lee, J., Mahmood, S., & Li, Y. (2022). Understanding homeowner proactive actions for managing wildfire risks. Natural Hazards, 114 (), 1525-1547.
  • Truong, Q., Soueidy, C., Bastidas-Arteaga, E., & Li, Y. (2022). Probability-based Maintenance Modeling and Planning for Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Chloride Ingress. Journal of Building Engineering, 54 (104675).
  • Chen, J., Dietz, T., Fefferman, N., Greig, J., Cetin, J., Robinson, C., ... Moreno-Fuquen, R. (2022). Extreme Events, Energy Security and Equality through Micro and Macro Levels: Concepts, Challenges and Methods. Energy Research & Social Sciences, 85 ().
  • Orcesi, A., O'Connor, A., Diamantidis, D., Wu, T., Alhamid, A., Sykora, M., ... Schoef, F. (2022). Investigating the effects of climate change on material properties and structural performance. Structural Engineering International, 32 (4), 577-588.
  • Orcesi, A., O'Connor, A., Diamantidis, D., Wu, T., Alhamid, A., Sykora, M., ... Schoef, F. (2022). Investigating the effects of climate change on structural actions. Structural Engineering International, 32 (4), 563-576.
  • Asadi, E., Salman, A., Li, Y., & Yu, X. (2021). Localized Health Monitoring for Seismic Resilience Quantification and Safety Evaluation of Smart Structures. Structural Safety, 93 (1).
  • Lin, W., Mazumder, R., & Li, Y. (2021). Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Buried Water Distribution Network: A Combined Finite Element and Probabilistic Approach. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, ().
  • Sheng, T., Bian, X., Cheng, Y., Cheng, Y., Liu, G., & Li, Y. (2021). Experimental study on a geosynthetics isolator for the base vibration isolation of buildings neighboring metro transportation. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 49 (), 1066-1078.
  • Mazumder, R., Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2021). Failure Risk Analysis of Pipelines using Data-Driven Machine Learning Algorithms. Structural Safety, 89 ().
  • Mazumder, R., Salman, A., Li, Y., & Yu, X. (2021). Asset Management Decision Support Model for Water Distribution Systems: Impact of Water Pipe Failure on Road and Water Networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 147 (5), 04021022.
  • Mazumder, R., Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2021). Post-Disaster Sequential Recovery Planning for Water Distribution Systems Using Topological and Hydraulic Metrics. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, ().
  • Feng, D., Xie, S., Li, Y., & Jin, L. (2021). Time-dependent Reliability-Based Redundancy Assessment of Deteriorated RC Structures Against Progressive Collapse Considering Corrosion Effect,. Structural Safety, 89 (), 102061.
  • Salman, A., Merschman, E., Bastidas-Arteaga, E., & Li, Y. (2020). Assessment of the Effectiveness of Wood Pole Repair Using FRP Considering the Impact of Climate Change on Decay and Hurricane Risk. Advances in Climate Change Research, 11 (4), 332-348.
  • Salman, A., Salarieh, B., Bastidas-Arteaga, E., & Li, Y. (2020). Optimization of Condition-Based Maintenance of Wood Utility Pole Network Subjected to Hurricane Hazard and Climate Change. Frontiers Built Environment, 6 (73).
  • Mazumder, R., Fan, X., Salman, A., Li, Y., & Yu, X. (2020). A Framework for Seismic Damage and Renewal Cost Analysis of Buried Water Pipelines. ASCE Journal of Pipeline Systems, 11 (4).
  • Asadi, E., Shen, Z., Zhou, H., Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2020). Risk-informed Multi-criteria Decision Framework for Resilience, Sustainability, and Energy Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 13 (), 804-823.
  • Fant, C., Boehlert, B., Strzepek, K., Larsen, P., White, A., Gulati, S., ... Martinich, J. (2020). Climate Change Impacts and Costs to U.S. Electricity Transmission and Distribution Infrastructure. Energy, 195 (), 116899.
  • Sheng, T., Bian, X., Liu, G., Xiao, C., Chen, X., & Li, Y. (2020). Experimental study on the sandbag isolator of buildings for subway-induced vertical vibration and secondary air-borne noise. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, ().
  • Zhao, J., Lee, J., Li, Y., & Yin, Y. (2020). Quantitative Impact of Catastrophe Risk Insurance on Community Resilience: Quantitative Framework and Case Studies. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 43 (), 101387.
  • Braik, A., Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2020). Reliability-Based Assessment and Cost Analysis of Power Distribution Systems at Risk of Tornado Hazard. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 6 (2), 04020014.
  • Mazumder, R., Salman, A., Li, Y., & Yu, X. (2020). Seismic Functionality and Resilience Analysis of Water Distribution Systems. Journal of Pipeline Systems, ASCE, 11 (1), 04019045.
  • Braik, M., Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2019). Risk-Based Reliability and Cost Analysis of Utility Poles Subjected to Tornado Hazard. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, 32 (4).
  • Esmaeel, A., Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2019). Multi-Criteria Decision-Making for Seismic Resilience and Sustainability Assessment of Diagrid Buildings. Engineering Structures, 191 (), 229-246.
  • Cox, D., Taro, A., & Li, Y. (2019). Hurricane Irma and Maria Post-Event Survey in US Virgin Islands. Coastal Engineering Journal, ().
  • Wang, L., Tang, Z., Li, Y., & Qian, K. (2019). Seismic Behavior of Masonry-Infilled Precast Concrete Frames Considering Effects of Opening,. Journal of Construction & Building Materials, 211 (), 756-770.
  • Mazumder, R., Salman, A., Li, Y., & Yu, B. (2019). Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems using Physical Probabilistic Pipe Failure Method. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, 145 (2), 04018097.
  • Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2018). Flood Risk: Assessment, Future Trend Modeling, and Risk Communication 鈥 A Review. Natural Hazards Review, ASCE, 19 (3).
  • Bjarnadottir, S., Li, Y., Reynisson, O., & Stewart, M. (2018). Reliability-based assessment of climatic adaptation for the increased resiliency of power distribution systems subjected to hurricanes. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, 3 (1), 36-48.
  • Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2018). A framework to investigate the effectiveness of interconnection of power distribution systems subjected to hurricanes. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering , 14 (2), 203-217.
  • Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2018). A Probabilistic Framework for Multi-Hazard Risk Mitigation for Electric Power Transmission Systems Subjected to Seismic and Hurricane Hazards. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 3 (1), 36-48.
  • Liu, D., Li, Y., Xiao, X., Xie, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2018). Flood risk perception of rural households in western mountainous regions of Henan province, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 27 (), 155-160.
  • Asade, E., & Li, Y. (2018). Seismic Performance Assessment and Loss Estimation of Steel Diagrid Structures. , 144 (10), 04018179.
  • Mazumder, R., Salman, A., Li, Y., & Yu, B. (2018). Performance Evaluation of Water Distribution Systems and Asset Management. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, 24 (3).
  • Dong, Y., & Li, Y. (2017). Risk assessment in quantification of hurricane resilience of residential communities. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 3 (4).
  • Bruneau, M., Barbato, M., Padgett, J., Zaghi, A., Mitrani-Reiser, J., & Li, Y. (2017). State-of-the-Art on Multihazard Design. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 143 (10).
  • Dong, Y., & Li, Y. (2017). A Framework for Hurricane Resilience of Residential Community. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering,, 2 (3), 04017008-1..
  • Dong, Y., & Li, Y. (2017). Evaluation of Hurricane Resilience of Residential Community Considering a Changing Climate, Social Disruption Cost, and Environmental Impact. Journal of Architectural Engineering, ASCE, 23 (3), 04017008.
  • Liu, D., Li, Y., Fang, S., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Influencing Factors for Emergency Evacuation Capability of Rural Households to Flood Hazards in Western Mountainous Regions of Henan Province, China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 21 (), 187-195.
  • Salman, A., Li, Y., & Bastidas-Arteaga, E. (2017). Maintenance Optimization for Power Distribution Systems Subjected to Hurricane Hazard, Timber Decay and Climate Change. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 168 (), 136-149.
  • Han, R., Li, Y., & Van de Lindt, J. (2017). Probabilistic Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Buildings Retrofitted with Base Isolation: Considering Mainshock-Aftershock Hazards. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 3 (4), 04017023.
  • Barbato, M., Li, Y., & Padgett, J. (2017). Recent Advances in Assessment and Mitigation of Multiple Hazards,. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 143 (9), 1-2.
  • Bruneau, M., Barbato, M., Padgett, J., Zaghi, A., Mitrani-Reiser, ., & Li, Y. (2017). State-of-the-Art on Multihazard Design. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 143 (10), 03117002 .
  • Yang, L., Li, Y., & He, S. (2017). Statistical Investigation of Effective Prestress in Pre-Stressed Concrete Bridges. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 3 (4), 06017001.
  • Ryan, P., Stewart, M., Spencer, N., & Li, Y. (2016). Probabilistic Analysis of Climate Change Impact on Timber Power Pole Networks. Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 78 (), 513-523.
  • Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2016). Age-Dependent Fragility and Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Timber and Steel Power Distribution Poles Subjected to Hurricanes. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 12 (8), 890-903.
  • Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2016). Assessing climate change impact on system reliability of power distribution systems subjected to hurricanes. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, (), 04016024.
  • Zaghi, A., Padgett, J., Bruneau, M., Barbato, M., Li, Y., Mitrani, J., ... McBride, A. (2016). Establishing Common Nomenclature, Characterizing the Problem, and Identifying Future Opportunities in Multi-Hazard Design. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 142 (12), H2516001.
  • Song, R., Li, Y., & Van de Lindt, J. (2016). Loss Estimation of Steel Buildings to Earthquake Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences. Structural Safety, 61 (1-11).
  • Li, Y. (2016). Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment of Electric Power Systems. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,, (), 04016198.
  • Ryan, P., Stewart, M., Spencer, N., & Li, Y. (2016). Probabilistic analysis of climate change impacts on timber power pole networks. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,&苍产蝉辫;78&苍产蝉辫;(),&苍产蝉辫;513鈥523.
  • Dong, Y., & Li, Y. (2016). Reliability of Roof Panels in Coastal Areas Considering Effects of Climate Change and Embedded Corrosion of Metal Fasteners. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 2 (1), 04015016.
  • Dong, Y., & Li, Y. (2016). Risk-Based Assessment of Wood Residential Construction Subjected to Hurricane Event Considering Indirect and Environmental Loss. Journal of Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure,, 1 (1-2), 46-62.
  • Han, R., Li, Y., & Van de Lindt, J. (2016). Seismic Loss Estimation with Consideration of Aftershock Hazard and Post-Quake Decisions. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 2 (4), 04016005.
  • Liu, D., & Li, Y. (2016). Social vulnerability of rural households to flood hazards in western mountainous regions of Henan province, China. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,&苍产蝉辫;16&苍产蝉辫;(5),&苍产蝉辫;1123鈥1134.
  • Jussila, V., Li, Y., & Fulop, L. (2016). Statistical analysis of the variation of floor vibrations in nuclear power plants subject to seismic loads. Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design, 309 (), 84-96.
  • Salman, A., & Li, Y. (2016). Age-dependent fragility and life-cycle cost analysis of wood and steel power distribution poles subjected to hurricanes. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering,&苍产蝉辫;12&苍产蝉辫;(8),&苍产蝉辫;890鈥903.
  • Chang, S., Li, Y., & Lindt, J. (2015). Impact of Aftershocks and Uncertainties on the Seismic Evaluation of Non-Ductile Reinforced Concrete Frame Buildings. Engineering Structures, 100 (1), 149-163.
  • Nazari, N., Van de Lindt, J., & Li, Y. (2015). Quantifying Changes in Structural Design Needed to Account for Aftershock Hazard. Journal of Structural Engineering, ACSE, 141 (11).
  • Salman, A., Li, Y., & Stewart, M. (2015). Evaluating System Reliability and Targeted Hardening Strategies of Power Distribution Systems Subjected to Hurricanes. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 144 (), 319-333.
  • Chang, S., Li, Y., & Lindt, J. (2015). Assessment of Seismic Performance of Buildings with Incorporation of Aftershocks. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 29 (4).
  • Feese, C., Li, Y., & Bulleit, W. (2015). Assessment of Seismic Damage of Buildings and Related Environmental Impacts. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 29 (4).
  • Nazari, N., Van de Lindt, J., & Li, Y. (2015). Effect of Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences on Woodframe Building Damage Fragilities. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 29 ().
  • Chang, S., Li, Y., & Lindt, J. (2014). Seismic Risk of Base Isolated Non-ductile Reinforced Concrete Buildings Considering Uncertainties and Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences. Structural Safety, 50 (), 39-56.
  • Padgett, J., & Li, Y. (2014). A Risk-Based Assessment of Sustainability and Hazard Resistance of Structural Design. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 30 (2).
  • Bjarnadottir, S., Li, Y., & Stewart, M. (2014). Risk-Based Economic Assessment of Mitigation Strategies for Power Distribution Poles Subjected to Hurricanes. Journal of Structural and Infrastructure Engineering, 10 (6), 740-752.
  • Tian, J., & Li, Y. (2014). System Dynamics Assessment of Hurricane Mitigation Strategies for Power Distribution Poles Subjected to Hurricanes. Natural Hazards, 70 (2), 1263-1285.
  • Park, S., Van de Lindt, J., & Li, Y. (2014). ABV Procedure Combined with Mechanistic Response Modeling for Wind-Surge Loss Estimation in Hurricanes. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 28 (2), 206-215.
  • Nazari, N., Van de Lindt, J., & Li, Y. (2014). Effect of Aftershock Intensity on Seismic Collapse Fragilities. International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 8 (2-4), 174-195.
  • Li, Y., Song, R., & Van de Lindt, J. (2014). Collapse Fragility of Steel Structures Subjected to Earthquake Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 140 (12).
  • Ryan, P., Stewart, M., Spencer, N., & Li, Y. (2014). Reliability Assessment of Power Pole Infrastructure Incorporating Deterioration and Network Maintenance. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 132 (), 261-273.
  • Song, R., Li, Y., & Lindt, J. (2014). Impact of Earthquake Ground Motion Characteristics on Collapse Risk of Post-Mainshock Buildings Considering Aftershocks. Engineering Structures, 81 (), 349-361.
  • Bjarnadottir, S., Li, Y., & Stewart, M. (2014). Regional Loss Estimation Due To Hurricane Wind And Hurricane-Induced Surge Considering Climate Variability. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 10 (11), 1369-1384.
  • Tian, J., & Li, Y. (2014). Factors Influencing Cost Effectiveness of Maintenance for Power Distribution Poles Subjected to Hurricanes: A System Dynamics Based Analysis. Natural Hazards, 72 (2), 633-650.
  • Bjarnadottir, S., Li, Y., & Stewart, M. (2013). Hurricane Risk Assessment Of Power Distribution Systems Considering Impacts Of A Changing Climate. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, 19 (1), 12-24.
  • Park, S., Van de Lindt, J., & Li, Y. (2013). Application of the Hybrid ABV Procedure for Assessing Community Risk to Hurricanes Spatially. Natural Hazards, 68 (2), 981-1000.
  • Li, Y., & Padgett, J. (2013). Review of Methods to Assess, Design for, and Mitigate Multiple Hazards鈥 by Yue Li, Aakash Ahuja, and Jamie E. Padgett. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 27 (2), 216.
  • Chang, S., & Li, Y. (2013). Seismic Risk Evaluation of Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Buildings Utilizing Base Isolation and Considering Mainshock-Aftershock. Advanced Materials Research, (), 671-674, 1372-1375.
  • Li, Y. (2012). Assessment of Damage Risks to Residential Buildings and Cost-Benefit of Mitigation Strategies Considering Hurricane and Earthquake Hazards. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 26 (1), 7-16.
  • Li, Y., & Van de Lindt, J. (2012). Loss-Based Formulation for Multiple Hazards with Application to Residential Buildings. Engineering Structures, 38 (1), 123-133.
  • Wang, L., Wang, X., Li, Y., & Bulleit, W. (2012). Reliability Analysis on Shear Capacity of Reinforced Masonry Walls due to Earthquakes. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials, (), 105-107, 360-365.
  • Li, Y., Van de Lindt, J., Dao, T., Bjarnadottir, S., & Ahuja, A. (2012). Loss Analysis for Combined Wind and Surge in Hurricanes. Natural Hazards Review, ASCE, 13 (1).
  • Li, Y., Ahuja, A., & Padgett, J. (2012). A Review on Assessment, Design, and Mitigation of Multiple Hazards. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 26 (1), 104-117.
  • Yin, Y., & Li, Y. (2011). Loss Estimation of Light-Frame Wood Construction Subjected to Mainshock-Aftershock Sequences. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 25 (6), 504-513.
  • Bjarnadottir, S., Li, Y., & Stewart, M. (2011). A Probabilistic-based Framework for Impact and Adaptation Assessment of Climate Change on Hurricane Damage Risks and Costs. Structural Safety, 33 (3), 173-185.
  • Yin, Y., Li, Y., & Bulleit, W. (2011). Stochastic Modeling of Snow Loads Using a Filtered Poisson Process. Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, ASCE, 25 (1), 16-36.
  • Li, Y., & Stewart, M. (2011). Cyclone Damage Risks Caused by Enhanced Greenhouse Conditions and Economic Viability of Strengthened Residential Construction. Natural Hazards Review, ASCE, 12 (1), 9-18.
  • Yin, Y., & Li, Y. (2011). Probabilistic loss assessment of light-frame wood construction subjected to combined seismic and snow loads. Engineering Structures, 33 (2), 380-390.
  • Bjarnadottir, S., Li, Y., & Stewart, M. (2011). Social Vulnerability Index for Coastal Communities at Risk to Hurricane Hazard and a Changing Climate. Natural Hazards, 9 (2), 1055-1075.
  • Smith, M., Li, Y., & Bulleit, W. (2011). A Method for Evaluation of Longitudinal Joint Connections of Decked Precast Concrete Girder Bridges. Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanic, 40 (3).
  • Li, Y., Yin, Y., Ellingwood, B., & Bulleit, W. (2010). Uniform Hazard vs. Uniform Risk Bases for Performance-based Earthquake Engineering of Light-Frame Wood Construction. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 39 (11), 1199-1217.
  • Yin, Y., & Li, Y. (2010). Seismic Collapse Risk of Light-Frame Wood Construction Considering Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainties. Structural Safety, 32 (4), 250-261.
  • Deshpande, Y., Hiller, J., Li, Y., & Yin, Y. (2010). Performance Prediction of the Dowel Bar Retrofit Technique Using Statistical Modeling. Road Materials and Pavement Engineering, 11 (3), 701-723.
  • Stewart, M., & Li, Y. (2010). Methodologies for Economic Impact and Adaptation Assessment of Cyclone Damage Risks Due to Climate Change. Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, 10 (2), 121-135.
  • Ling, Q., Tian, Z., & Li, Y. (2009). Distributed Decision Making for Online Structural Health Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Communications and Networks, 11 (4), 350-358.
  • Van de Lindt, J., Li, Y., Bulleit, W., Gupta, R., & Morris, P. (2009). The Next Step for AF&PA/ASCE 16: Performance-Based Design of Wood Structures. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 135 (6), 611-618.
  • Li, Y., & Ellingwood, B. (2009). Risk-based Decision Making for Multi-hazard Mitigation for Wood-frame Residential Construction. Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, 9 (1), 17-26.
  • Ling, Q., Tian, Z., Yin, Y., & Li, Y. (2009). Localized Structural Health Monitoring Using Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal: Special Issue on Structural Health Monitoring, 9 (11), 1596-1604.
  • Li, Y., & Ellingwood, B. (2009). Framework for multi-hazard risk assessment and mitigation for wood-frame residential construction. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 135 (2), 159-168.
  • Ellingwood, B., & Li, Y. (2009). Counteracting Structural Loads: Treatment in ASCE Standard 7-05. Journal of Structural Engineering, ACSE, 135 (1), 94-97.
  • Li, Y., & Ellingwood, B. (2007). Reliability of Wood-Frame Residential Construction Subjected to Earthquakes. Structural Safety, 29 (4), 294-307.
  • Li, Y., & Ellingwood, B. (2006). Hurricane Damage to Residential Construction in the US; Importance of Uncertainty Modeling in Risk Assessment. Engineering Structures, 28 (7), 1009-1018.
  • Li, Y., & Ellingwood, B. (2005). Vulnerability of Wood Residential Construction to Hurricane Winds. Wood Design Focus, Forest Products Society, 15 (1), 11-16.
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Civil Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology