Roger H. French, PhD

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Case School of Engineering

Research Information

Research Interests

  • Optical Properties and Electronic Structure of Materials 
  • Long Range Interactions
  • Degradation Science of Outdoor Exposed Technologies
  • Photovoltiaics
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Distributed & High Performance Computing

Awards and Honors

IEEE Senior Member
Faculty Distinguished Research Award
Case School of Engineering Research Award
Case School of Engineering

External Appointments

  • 2015 - PRESENT, Editorial Board Member Scientific Reports of Nature Publishing Group
  • 2014 - PRESENT, Committee Member International Electrotechnical Commission, Technical Committee TC82 on Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems
  • 2014 - PRESENT, Subtask 2.5 Leader: Assessment of Performance Loss Rate International Energy Agency, Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (IEA-PVPS),
  • 2013 - PRESENT, Committee Member ASTM E44-09 Solar, Geothermal, Alternative Energy: Photovoltaic Electric Power Conversion
  • 2013 - PRESENT, Member ASTM G03-08 Weather and Durability Committee: Service Life Predictino
  • 2013 - PRESENT, Renewable Energy Council Member UL
  • 1989 - PRESENT, Associate Editor Journal of the American Ceramics Society


  • 2020 - 2022, Jinko Solar


  • French, R. H. (1991). Vacuum-ultraviolet spectroscopy of dialkyl polysilanes. APS Journal, 43 (12), 10008鈥10011.
  • Liu, J., Wang, M., Curran, A., Schnabel, E., K枚hl, M., \customboldJennifer L. Braid, M., & French, R. H. (2021). Degradation mechanisms and partial shading of glass-backsheet and double-glass photovoltaic modules in three climate zones determined by remote monitoring of time-series current鈥搗oltage and power datastreams. Solar Energy, 224 , 1291--1301.
  • Karimi, A., Wu, Y., Koyut眉rk, M., & French, R. H. (2021). Spatiotemporal Graph Neural Network for Performance Prediction of Photovoltaic Power Systems. .
  • Kempe, M., Morse, J., Eafanti, J., Julien, S., Wan, K., Bruckman, L., Wang, Y., Fairbrother, A., Gu, X., Napoli, S., O'Brien, G., Hauser, A., Ji, L., Boyce, K., & French, R. H. (2021). Measurement of crack length in width tapered beam experiments. JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 35 (4), 357-374.
  • Khalilnejad, A., French, R. H., & Abramson, A. H. (2020). Data-driven evaluation of HVAC operation and savings in commercial buildings. Applied Energy, 278
  • Wang, M., Liu, J., Burleyson, T., Schneller, E., Davis, K., French, R. H., & Braid, J. H. (2020). Analytic $I_{\text{sc}}$鈥$V_{\text{oc}}$ Method and Power Loss Modes From Outdoor Time-Series $I$鈥$V$ Curves. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 10 (5), 1379-1388.
  • Julien, S., Kempe, M., Eafanti, J., Morse, J., Wang, Y., Fairbrother, A., Napoli, S., Hauser, A., Ji, L., O'Brien, G., Gu, X., Bruckman, L., Wan, K., Boyce, K., & French, R. H. (2020). Characterizing photovoltaic backsheet adhesion degradation using the wedge and single cantilever beam tests, Part I: Field Modules. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 215
  • Schneller, E., Hossain, M., Frota, R., Iqbal, N., Colvin, D., Curran, A., Wang, M., Braid, J., Bruckman, L., Huey, B., Jaubert, J., Davis, K., & French, R. H. (2020). Spatially resolved characterization of optical and recombination losses for different industrial silicon solar cell architectures. International Journal of Modern Physics B [Condensed Matter Physics; Statistical Physics; Applied Physics], 34 (21).
  • Schneller, E., Frota, R., Iqbal, N., Colvin, D., Davis, K., Curran, A., Wang, M., \customboldJennifer L. Braid, M., Bruckman, L., Huey, B., Jaubert, J., & French, R. H. (2020). Spatially resolved characterization of optical and recombination losses for different industrial silicon solar cell architectures. International Journal of Modern Physics B.
  • Julien, S., Kempe, M., Eafanti, J., Morse, J., Wang, Y., Fairbrother, A., Napoli, S., Hauser, A., Ji, L., O'Brien, G., Gu, X., Bruckman, L., Wan, K., Boyce, K., & French, R. H. (2020). Characterizing photovoltaic backsheet adhesion degradation using the wedge and single cantilever beam tests, Part II: Accelerated tests. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 211
  • Karimi, A., Fada, J., Parrilla, N., Pierce, B., Koyut眉rk, M., French, R. H., & Braid, J. H. (2020). Generalized and Mechanistic PV Module Performance Prediction From Computer Vision and Machine Learning on Electroluminescence Images. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 10 (3), 878-887.
  • Hossain, M., Khalilnejad, A., Haddadian, R., Pickering, E., French, R. H., & Abramson, A. H. (2020). Data analytics applied to the electricity consumption of office buildings to reveal building operational characteristics. Advances in Building Energy Research.
  • Longacre, A., Martin, M., Moran, T., Kolosov, O., Schneller, E., Curran, A., Wang, M., Dai, J., Bruckman, L., Jaubert, J., Davis, K., \customboldJennifer L. Braid, K., Huey, B., & French, R. H. (2020). Direct nanoscale mapping of open circuit voltages at local back surface fields for PERC solar cells. Journal of Materials Science.
  • Julien, S., Kempe, M., Eafanti, J., Morse, J., Wang, Y., Fairbrother, A., Napoli, S., Hauser, A., Ji, L., O'Brien, G., Gu, X., Bruckman, L., Wan, K., Boyce, K., & French, R. H. (2020). Characterizing photovoltaic backsheet adhesion degradation using the wedge and single cantilever beam tests, Part I: Field Modules. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 215
  • French, R. H., & Bruckman, L. H. (2020). Learnings from developing an applied data science curricula for undergraduate and graduate students. MRS ADVANCES, 5 (7), 347-353.
  • Julien, S., Kempe, M., Eafanti, J., Morse, J., Wang, Y., Fairbrother, A., Napoli, S., Hauser, A., Ji, L., O'Brien, G., Gu, X., Bruckman, L., Wan, K., Boyce, K., & French, R. H. (2020). Characterizing photovoltaic backsheet adhesion degradation using the wedge and single cantilever beam tests, Part II: Accelerated tests. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 211
  • Adachi, M., Hamaya, S., Yamagata, Y., Loach, A., Fada, J., Wilson, L., Carter, J. W., Fukuyama, H. W., & French, R. H. (2020). In-situ observation of AlN formation from Ni-Al solution using an electromagnetic levitation technique. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
  • Longacre, A., Martin, M., Moran, T., Kolosov, O., Schneller, E., Curran, A., Wang, M., Dai, J., Bruckman, L., Jaubert, J., Davis, K., Braid, J., Huey, B., & French, R. H. (2020). Direct nanoscale mapping of open circuit voltages at local back surface fields for PERC solar cells. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 55 (25), 11501-11511.
  • Wang, M., Liu, J., Burleyson, T., Schneller, E., Davis, K., French, R. H., & \customboldJennifer L. Braid, R. H. (2020). Analytic Isc 鈥揤oc Method and Power Loss Modes From Outdoor Time-Series I鈥揤 Curves. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics.
  • Lyu, Y., Fairbrother, A., Gong, M., Kim, J., Gu, X., Kempe, M., Julien, S., Wan, K., Napoli, S., Hauser, A., O'Brien, G., Wang, Y., Bruckman, L., Ji, L., Boyce, K., & French, R. H. (2020). Impact of environmental variables on the degradation of photovoltaic components and perspectives for the reliability assessment methodology. SOLAR ENERGY, 199 , 425-436.
  • De Guire, E., Bartolo, L., Brindle, R., Devanathan, R., Dickey, E., Fessler, J., Fotheringham, U., Harmer, M., Lara-Curzio, E., Lichtner, S., Maillet, E., Mauro, J., Mecklenborg, M., Meredig, B., Rengarajan, V., Rickman, J., Sinnott, S., Spahr, C., Suh, C., Tandia, A., Ward, L., Weber, R., & French, R. H. (2019). Data-driven glass/ceramic science research: Insights from the glass and ceramic and data science/informatics communities. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102 (11), 6385-6406.
  • Karimi, A., Fada, J., Hossain, M., Yang, S., Peshek, T., Braid, J., & French, R. H. (2019). Automated Pipeline for Photovoltaic Module Electroluminescence Image Processing and Degradation Feature Classification. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 9 (5), 1324-1335.
  • Ma, X., Huang, W., Schnabel, E., K枚hl, M., Brynjarsdottir, J., Braid, J., & French, R. H. (2019). Data-Driven I锟絍 Feature Extraction for Photovoltaic Modules. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 9 (5), 1405-1412.
  • Ma, X., Huang, W., Schnabel, E., K枚hl, M., Brynjarsdottir, J., Braid, J., & French, R. H. (2019). Data-Driven $I$鈥$V$ Feature Extraction for Photovoltaic Modules. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 9 (5), 1405-1412.
  • Gok, A., Gordon, D., Burns, D., Fowler, S., French, R. H., & Bruckman, L. H. (2019). Reciprocity and Spectral Effects of the Degradation of Poly(Ethylene-Terephthalate) Under Accelerated Weathering Exposures. J. APPL. POLYM. SCI..
  • Verma, A., Hawk, J., Bruckman, L., Romanov, V., Carter, Jennifer L. W., V., & French, R. H. (2019). Mapping Multivariate Influence of Alloying Elements on Creep Behavior for Design of New Martensitic Steels. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 50A (7), 3106-3120.
  • Karimi, A., Fada, J., Hossain, M., Yang, S., Peshek, T., \customboldJennifer L. Braid, T., & French, R. H. (2019). Automated Pipeline for Photovoltaic Module Electroluminescence Image Processing and Degradation Feature Classification. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics.
  • Wang, Y., Huang, W., Fairbrother, A., Fridman, L., Curran, A., Wheeler, N., Napoli, S., Hauser, A., Julien, S., Gu, X., O'Brien, G., Wan, K., Ji, L., Kempe, M., Boyce, K., Bruckman, L., & French, R. H. (2019). Generalized Spatio-Temporal Model of Backsheet Degradation From Field Surveys of Photovoltaic Modules. IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS, 9 (5), 1374-1381.
  • Gok, A., Fagerholm, C., French, R. H., & Bruckman, L. H. (2019). Temporal evolution and pathway models of poly(ethylene-terephthalate) degradation under multi-factor accelerated weathering exposures. PLOS ONE, 14 (2).
  • Ma, X., Huang, W., Schnabel, E., K枚hl, M., Brynjarsdottir, J., \customboldJennifer L. Braid, J., & French, R. H. (2019). Data-Driven I鈥揤 Feature Extraction for Photovoltaic Modules. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics.
  • Romanov, V., Krishnamurthy, N., Verma, A., Bruckman, L., French, R. H., Carter, J. W., & Hawk, J. W. (2019). Materials Data Analytics for 9\% Cr Family Steel. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining.
  • French, R. H., Heo, Y. H., Carter, J. W., Bruckman, L. W., & Advincula, R. C. (2019). LIFE2018 - Thoughts on Data Science from 星空传媒. Exploration Insights.
  • Verma, A., Huang, W., Hawk, J., Bruckman, L., French, R. H., Romanov, V. H., & Carter, Jennifer L. W., V. H. (2019). Screening of heritage data for improving toughness of creep-resistant martensitic steels. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 763
  • Ma, X., Huang, W., Schnabel, E., Koehl, M., Brynjarsdottir, J., Braid, J., & French, R. H. (2019). Data-Driven I-V Feature Extraction for Photovoltaic Modules. IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS, 9 (5), 1405-1412.
  • Pickering, E., Hossain, M., French, R. H., & Abramson, A. R. (2018). Building electricity consumption: Data analytics of building operations with classical time series decomposition and case based subsetting. Energy and Buildings, 177 , 184-196.
  • Gordon, D., Huang, W., Burns, D., French, R. H., & Bruckman, L. H. (2018). Multivariate multiple regression models of poly(ethylene-terephthalate) film degradation under outdoor and multi-stressor accelerated weathering exposures. PLOS ONE, 13 (12).
  • Verma, A., French, R. H., & Carter, J. W. (2017). Physics Informed Network Models: Data Science Approach to Metals Design. Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation/Springer, 6 (4), 279鈥287.
  • Gok, A., Ngendahimana, D., Fagerholm, C., French, R. H., Sun, J. H., & Bruckman, L. H. (2017). Predictive models of poly(ethyleneterephthalate) film degradation under multifactor accelerated weathering exposures. PLoS ONE, 12 (5).
  • Veliz, F., Ma, Y., Molugu, S., Tiu, B., Stewart, P., French, R. H., & Steinmetz, N. H. (2017). Photon Management through Virus-Programmed Supramolecular Arrays. Advanced Biosystems.
  • Pickering, E., Hossain, M., Mousseau, J., Swanson, R., French, R. H., & Abramson, A. R. (2017). A cross-sectional study of the temporal evolution of electricity consumption of six commercial buildings. PLoS ONE, 12 (10).
  • Hu, Y., Gunapati, V., Zhao, P., Gordon, D., Wheeler, N., Hossain, M., Peshek, T., Bruckman, L., Zhang, G., & French, R. H. (2017). A Nonrelational Data Warehouse for the Analysis of Field and Laboratory Data From Multiple Heterogeneous Photovoltaic Test Sites. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 7 (1), 230鈥236.
  • Matthews, R., Glasser, E., Sprawls, S., French, R. H., Peshek, T. H., Pentzer, E. H., & Martin, I. H. (2017). Organofunctional Silane Modification of Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Surfaces as a Route to Stabilization. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (20), 17620-17628.
  • Rafique, S., Han, L., Neal, A., Mou, S., Tadjer, M., French, R. H., & Zhao, H. H. (2016). Heteroepitaxy of N-type 脽-Ga 2 O 3 thin films on sapphire substrate by low pressure chemical vapor deposition. Applied Physics Letters [00036951], 109 (13).
  • Yasar, S., Schimelman, J., Aksoyoglu, M., Steinmetz, N., French, R. H., Parsegian, V. H., & Podgornik, R. H. (2016). X-ray characterization of mesophases of human telomeric G-quadruplexes and other DNA analogues. Scientific Reports [20452322], 6
  • Eifler, J., Podgornik, R., Steinmetz, N., French, R. H., Parsegian, V. H., & Ching, W. H. (2016). Charge distribution and hydrogen bonding of a collagen a 2 -chain in vacuum, hydrated, neutral, and charged structural models: Charge Distribution and HB of a Collagen a 2 -Chain. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry [00207608], 116 (9), 681-691.
  • Peshek, T., Fada, J., Hu, Y., Xu, Y., Elsaeiti, M., Schnabel, E., K枚hl, M., & French, R. H. (2016). Insights into metastability of photovoltaic materials at the mesoscale through massive I鈥揤 analytics. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures [21662746], 34 (5).
  • Fada, J., Wheeler, N., Zabiyaka, D., Goel, N., Peshek, T., & French, R. H. (2016). Democratizing an electroluminescence imaging apparatus and analytics project for widespread data acquisition in photovoltaic materials. Review of Scientific Instruments [00346748], 87 (8).
  • Poudel, L., Steinmetz, N., French, R. H., Parsegian, V. H., Podgornik, R. H., & Ching, W. H. (2016). Implication of the solvent effect, metal ions and topology in the electronic structure and hydrogen bonding of human telomeric G-quadruplex DNA. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics [14639076], 18 (31), 21573-21585.
  • Poudel, L., Wen, A., French, R. H., Parsegian, V. H., Podgornik, R. H., Steinmetz, N. H., & Ching, W. H. (2015). Electronic Structure and Partial Charge Distribution of Doxorubicin in Different Molecular Environments. ChemPhysChem.
  • Peshek, T., Bruckman, L., Schuetz, M., & French, R. H. (2015). Design Considerations and Measured Performance of Nontracked Mirror-Augmented Photovoltaics. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, PP (99), 1鈥9.
  • Schimelman, J., Dryden, D., Poudel, L., Krawiec, K., Ma, Y., Podgornik, R., Parsegian, V., Denoyer, L., Ching, W., Steinmetz, N., & French, R. H. (2015). Optical properties and electronic transitions of DNA oligonucleotides as a function of composition and stacking sequence. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17 (6), 4589鈥4599.
  • French, R. H., Podgornik, R. H., Peshek, T. H., Bruckman, L. H., Xu, Y. H., Wheeler, N. H., Gok, A. H., Hu, Y. H., Hossain, M. H., Gordon, D. H., & Others, D. H. (2015). Degradation science: Mesoscopic evolution and temporal analytics of photovoltaic energy materials. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 19 (4), 212--226.
  • Dryden, D., Hopkins, J., Denoyer, L., Poudel, L., Steinmetz, N., Ching, W., Parsegian, V., & French, R. H. (2015). van der Waals Interactions on the Mesoscale: Open-Science Implementation, Anisotropy, Retardation, and Solvent Effects. , 31 (37), 10145-10153.
  • Han, L., French, R. H., & Zhao, H. H. (2015). Surface Anti-Reflection and Light Extraction Properties of GaN Microdomes. IEEE Photonics Journal.
  • Ma, Y., Acosta, D., Whitney, J., Podgornik, R., Steinmetz, N., French, R. H., & Parsegian, V. H. (2014). Determination of the second virial coefficient of bovine serum albumin under varying pH and ionic strength by composition-gradient multi-angle static light scattering. Journal of Biological Physics.
  • Adhikari, P., Wen, A., French, R. H., Parsegian, V. H., Steinmetz, N. H., Podgornik, R. H., & Ching, W. H. (2014). Electronic Structure, Dielectric Response, and Surface Charge Distribution of RGD (1FUV) Peptide. Scientific Reports, 4
  • Hopkins, J., Dryden, D., Ching, W., French, R. H., Parsegian, V. H., & Podgornik, R. H. (2014). Dielectric response variation and the strength of van der Waals interactions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 417 , 278鈥284.
  • Rajter, R., & French, R. H. (2010). Van der {Waals鈥揕ondon} dispersion interaction framework for experimentally realistic carbon nanotube systems. International Journal of Materials Research (formerly Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde), 101 , 27鈥42.
  • Bruckman, L., Wheeler, N., Ma, J., Wang, E., Wang, C., Bayachou, M., Sun, J., & French, R. H. (2013). Statistical and domain analytics applied to PV module lifetime and degradation science. Access, IEEE, 1 , 384鈥403.
  • Rajter, R., French, R. H., Ching, W. H., Podgornik, R. H., & Parsegian, V. H. (2013). Chirality-dependent properties of carbon nanotubes: electronic structure, optical dispersion properties, Hamaker coefficients and van der Waals鈥揕ondon dispersion interactions. RSC Advances, 3 , 823.
  • Hemminger, J., & French, R. H. (2012). From Quanta to the Continuum: Opportunities for Mesoscale Science. U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Bruckman, L., Murrary, M., & French, R. H. (2012). Durability of Materials in a Stress-Response Framework: Acrylic Materials for Photovoltaic Systems. MRS Proceedings.
  • Murray, M., Bruckman, L., & French, R. H. (2012). Photodegradation in a Stress and Response Framework: Poly(methyl methacrylate) for Solar Mirrors and Lens. Journal of Photonics for Energy, 2 , 022004-1.
  • Lin, W., Hollingshead, D., Shell, K., Karas, J., Brown, S., Schuetz, M., Hu, Y., & French, R. H. (2012). Mirror-Augmented Photovoltaic Designs and Performance. .
  • Murray, M., Bruckman, L., Gordon, D., Richardson, S., Reinbolt, G., Schuetz, M., & French, R. H. (2012). Degradation of back surface acrylic mirrors for low concentration and mirror-augmented photovoltaics. .
  • Murray, M., Bruckman, L., & French, R. H. (2012). Photodegradation in a stress and response framework: poly (methyl methacrylate) for solar mirrors and lens. Journal of Photonics for Energy, 2 (1), 022004鈥022004.
  • Schuetz, M., Shell, K., Brown, S., Reinbolt, G., French, R. H., & Davis, R. H. (2012). Design and construction of a 7X low-concentration photovoltaic system based on compound parabolic concentrators. Photovoltaics, IEEE Journal of, 2 (3), 382鈥386.
  • Murray, M., & French, R. H. (). Solar radiation durability of materials, components and systems for photovoltaics. .
  • Smith, J., Graat, P., Bonnell, D., French, R. H., & French, R. H. (2011). Relation between Local Composition, Chemical Environment and Phase Shift Behavior in {Cr-Based} Oxycarbonitride Thin Films. .
  • French, R. H. (2011). Selfconsistent band structures and optical calculations in cubic ferroelectric perovskites. Taylor and Francis Online, 111 (1), 23-32.
  • French, R. H. (2011). Defects in {KTiOPO4}. Springer , 152 , 95鈥101.
  • Tang, L., Denoyer, L., French, R. H., Ramos, A. H., Gautier-Soyer, M. H., Chiang, Y. H., & French, J. H. (2011). Characterization of the Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of {Al2O3}, {ZrO2} and {SrTiO3} from Analysis of Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy in the Valence Region. .
  • French, R. H., M眉llejans, H. H., & Jones, D. H. (2011). Optical properties of {AlN} determined by vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry data. Journal of Materials Research, 14 , 4337-4344.
  • French, R. H., Rodr铆guez-Parada, J. H., Yang, M. H., Derryberry, R. H., & Pfeiffenberger, N. H. (2011). Optical properties of polymeric materials for concentrator photovoltaic systems. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95 (8), 2077鈥2086.
  • Murray, M., Gordon, D., Brown, S., Lin, W., Shell, K., Schuetz, M., Fowler, S., Elman, J., & French, R. H. (2011). Solar radiation durability framework applied to acrylic solar mirrors. .
  • French, R. H., & Coble, R. H. (2011). Clean-room and {CO2-Laser} Processing of Ultra {High-Purity} {Al2O3}. Research Gate.
  • French, R. H., Rajter, R. H., Podgornik, R. H., Parsegian, V. H., Rajter, R. H., Jagota, A. H., Luo, J. H., Asthagiri, D. H., Chaudhury, M. H., Chiang, Y. H., Granick, S. H., Kalinin, S. H., Kardar, M. H., Kjellander, R. H., Langreth, D. H., Lewis, J. H., Lustig, S. H., Wesolowski, D. H., Wettlaufer, J. H., Ching, W. H., Finnis, M. H., Houlihan, F. H., Anatole von Lilienfeld, O. H., Jan van Oss, C. H., & Zemb, T. H. (2010). Long Range Interactions In Nanoscale Science. Reviews of Modern Physics, 82 , 1887鈥1944.
  • 艩iber, A., Rajter, R., French, R. H., Ching, W. H., Parsegian, V. H., & Podgornik, R. H. (2010). Optically anisotropic infinite cylinder above an optically anisotropic half space: Dispersion interaction of a single-walled carbon nanotube with a substrate. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 28 , C4A17.
  • French, R. H. (). Science for Energy Technology: Strengthening the Link between Basic Research and Industry. U.S. Department of Energy.
  • Rajter, R., & French, R. H. (2010). Van der {Waals鈥揕ondon} dispersion interaction framework for experimentally realistic carbon nanotube systems. International Journal of Materials Research (formerly Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde), 101 , 27鈥42.
  • 艩iber, A., Rajter, R., French, R. H., Ching, W. H., Parsegian, V. H., & Podgornik, R. H. (2009). Dispersion interactions between optically anisotropic cylinders at all separations: Retardation effects for insulating and semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes. Physical Review B, 80
  • French, R. H., Rodriguez-Parada, J. H., Yang, M. H., Derryberry, R. H., Flemons, T. H., Brownjohn, M. H., Haeger, C. H., Samuels, S. H., Romanov, V. H., & Richardson, R. H. (). Optical properties of materials for concentrator photovoltaic systems. .
  • Tran, H., Hendrickx, E., Van Roey, F., Vandenberghe, G., & French, R. H. (). Fluid-photoresist interactions and imaging in high-index immersion lithography. Journal of {Micro/Nanolithography}, {MEMS} and {MOEMS}, 8 , 033006.
  • Yang, S., Kaplan, S., French, R. H., & Burnett, J. H. (2009). Index of refraction of high-index lithographic immersion fluids and its variability. Journal of {Micro/Nanolithography}, {MEMS} and {MOEMS}, 8 , 023005.
  • French, R. H., & Tran, H. H. (). Immersion Lithography: Photomask and {Wafer-Level} Materials. Annual Review of Materials Research, 39 , 93鈥126.
  • Tran, H., Hendrickx, ., French, R. H., Adelman, . H., Rogado, . H., Kaku, . H., Mocella, M. H., Schmieg, J. H., Chen, C. H., Van Roey, F. H., Bernfeld, A. H., & Derryberry, R. H. (2008). High Refractive Index Fluid Evaluations at 193nm: Fluid Lifetime and {Fluid/Resist} Interaction Studies. Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, 21 , 631鈥639.
  • Rajter, R., & French, R. H. (2008). New perspectives on van der {Waals鈥揕ondon} interactions of materials. From planar interfaces to carbon nanotubes. .
  • French, R. H., Liberman, V. H., Tran, H. H., Feldman, J. H., Adelman, D. H., Wheland, R. H., Qiu, W. H., McLain, S. H., Kaku, M. H., Mocella, M. H., Nagao, K. H., & Person, N. H. (2007). High-index immersion lithography with second-generation immersion fluids to enable numerical aperatures of 1.55 for cost effective 32-nm half pitches. .
  • French, R. H., Winey, K. H., Yang, S. H., & Qiu, W. H. (2007 ). Optical Properties and van der Waals鈥揕ondon Dispersion Interactions of Polystyrene Determined by Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 60 (251).
  • Benthem, K., Tan, G., French, R. H., Denoyer, L. H., Podgornik, R. H., & Parsegian, V. H. (2006). Graded interface models for more accurate determination of van der {Waals鈥揕ondon} dispersion interactions across grain boundaries. Physical Review B, 74
  • French, R. H. (2006). Origins and Applications of London Dispersion Interactions in Polymers and Other Materials: Electronic Structure, Optical Properties and Chemistry. Polymer Division, Royal Australian Chemical Institute.
  • French, R. H., Thorne, J. H., Hochstrasser, R. H., Ziegler, J. H., Tilgner, A. H., Fagan, P. H., & Miller, R. H. (2006). Electronic and Vibrational Excitations in Polysilanes and Oligomers. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 216 (1), 13-19.
  • Paumier, F., Fouquet, V., Guittet, M., Gautier-Soyer, M., French, R. H., Tan, G. H., Chiang, Y. H., Tang, L. H., Ramos, A. H., & Chung, S. H. (2006). Reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy of nanometric oxide layers and of their interfaces with a substrate. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 422 , 29-40.
  • Tan, G., & French, R. H. (2006). Optical properties, electronic structure and London dispersion interactions for nanostructured interfacial and surficial films. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 422 , 136鈥146.
  • French, R. H. (2006). Simulated measurement of small metal clusters by frequency-modulation non-contact atomic force microscopy. Nanotechnology, 17 , S121鈥揝127.
  • Feiring, A., Crawford, M., Farnham, W., Feldman, J., French, R. H., Junk, C. H., Leffew, K. H., Petrov, V. H., Qiu, W. H., Schadt, F. H., Tran, H. H., & Zumsteg, F. H. (2006). New Amorphous Fluoropolymers of Tetrafluoroethylene with Fluorinated and {Non-Fluorinated} Tricyclononenes. Semiconductor Photoresists for Imaging at 157 and 193 nm. Macromolecules, 39 , 3252鈥3261.
  • French, R. H., Qiu, W. H., Yang, S. H., Wheland, R. H., Lemon, M. H., Shoe, A. H., Adelman, D. H., Crawford, M. H., Tran, H. H., Feldman, J. H., McLain, S. H., & Peng, S. H. (2006). Second generation fluids for 193nm immersion lithography. .
  • French, R. H. (2006). Nonadditivity in van der Waals interactions within multilayers. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 124 , 044709.
  • Feiring, A., Crawford, M., Farnham, W., French, R. H., Leffew, K. H., Petrov, V. H., Schadt, F. H., Tran, H. H., & Zumsteg, F. H. (2006). Bis(fluoroalcohol) Monomers and Polymers:鈥 Improved Transparency Fluoropolymer Photoresists for Semiconductor Photolithography at 157 nm. Macromolecules, 39 , 1443鈥1448.
  • French, R. H., Sewell, H. H., Yang, S. H., Peng, S. H., McCafferty, D. H., Qiu, W. H., Wheland, R. H., Lemon, M. H., Markoya, L. H., & Crawford, M. H. (2005). Imaging of 32-nm 1:1 lines and spaces using 193-nm immersion interference lithography with second-generation immersion fluids to achieve a numerical aperture of 1.5 and a k[sub 1] of 0.25. Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems, 4 , 031103.
  • Peng, S., French, R. H., Qiu, W. H., Wheland, R. H., Yang, S. H., Lemon, M. H., & Crawford, M. H. (2005). Second generation fluids for 193 nm immersion lithography. Proceedings of SPIE.
  • Mo, S., Ching, W., & French, R. H. (2005). Electronic Structure of a Near 危11 a-axis Tilt Grain Boundary in {伪-A12O3}. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 79 , 627鈥633.
  • French, R. H. (2005). {Kramers鈥揔ronig} transform for the surface energy loss function. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 142 , 97鈥103.
  • French, R. H., M眉llejans, H. H., & Jones, D. H. (2005). Optical Properties of Aluminum Oxide: Determined from Vacuum Ultraviolet and Electron {Energy-Loss} Spectroscopies. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 81 , 2549鈥2557.
  • Thiele, E., & French, R. H. (2005). {Light-Scattering} Properties of Representative, Morphological Rutile Titania Particles Studied Using a {Finite-Element} Method. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 81 , 469鈥479.
  • French, R. H. (2004). Origins and Applications of London Dispersion Forces and Hamaker Constants in Ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 83 , 2117鈥2146.
  • Tan, G., Lemon, M., & French, R. H. (2004). Optical Properties and London Dispersion Forces of Amorphous Silica Determined by Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 86 , 1885鈥1892.
  • Smith, J., French, R. H., Duscher, G. H., & Bonnell, D. H. (2004). Consequence of {Nanometer-Scale} Property Variations to Macroscopic Properties of {CrOCN} Thin Films. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 84 , 2873鈥2881.
  • Synowicki, R., Pribil, G., Cooney, G., Herzinger, C., Green, S., French, R. H., Yang, S. H., Burnett, J. H., & Kaplan, S. H. (2004). Fluid refractive index measurements using rough surface and prism minimum deviation techniques. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 22 , 3450.
  • Van Benthem, K., Tan, G., Denoyer, L., French, R. H., & Ruhle, M. H. (2004). Local Optical Properties, Electron Densities, and London Dispersion Energies of Atomically Structured Grain Boundaries. Physical Review Letters, 93
  • Lee, K., Jockusch, S., Turro, N., French, R. H., Wheland, R. H., Lemon, M. H., Braun, A. H., Widerschpan, T. H., & Zimmerman, P. H. (2004). 157-nm pellicles for photolithography: mechanistic investigation of the {deep-UV} photolysis of fluorocarbons. Proceedings of SPIE.
  • French, R. H., Yang, S. H., Lemon, M. H., Synowicki, R. H., Pribil, G. H., Cooney, G. H., Herzinger, C. H., Green, S. H., Burnett, J. H., & Kaplan, S. H. (2004). Immersion fluid refractive indices using prism minimum deviation techniques. Proceedings of SPIE.
  • Kunz, R., Switkes, M., Sinta, R., Curtin, J., French, R. H., Wheland, R. H., Kao, C. H., Mawn, M. H., Lin, L. H., Wetmore, P. H., Krukonis, V. H., & Williams, K. H. (2004). Transparent fluids for 157-nm immersion lithography. Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems, 3 , 73.
  • Percec, S., Getty, R., Marshall, W., , G., & French, R. H. (2003). Synthesis, structural analysis, and self-assembly of phenylene ethynylene oligomers and their sub , and substituted derivat. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 42 , 541鈥550.
  • French, R. H. (2003). Design of very transparent fluoropolymer resists for semiconductor manufacture at 157 nm. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 122 , 11鈥16.
  • French, R. H. (2003). Novel hydrofluorocarbon polymers for use as pellicles in 157 nm semiconductor photolithography: fundamentals of transparency. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 122 , 63鈥80.
  • Lustig, S., Boyes, E., French, R. H., Gierke, T. H., Harmer, M. H., Hietpas, P. H., Jagota, A. H., Mclean, S. H., Mitchell, G. H., Onoa, G. H., & Sams, K. H. (2003). Lithographically Cut {Single-Walled} Carbon Nanotubes: Controlling Length Distribution and Introducing {End-Group} Functionality. Nano Letters, 3 , 1007鈥1012.
  • Crawford, M., Farnham, W., Feiring, A., Feldman, J., French, R. H., Leffew, K. H., Petrov, V. H., Qiu, W. H., Schadt, F. H., Tran, H. H., Wheland, R. H., & Zumsteg Jr., F. H. (2003). Single layer fluropolymer resists for 157-nm lithography. Proceedings of SPIE.
  • French, R. H. (2002). Fluoropolymers for 157 nm Lithography: Performance of Single Layer Resists.. Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology, 15 , 677鈥687.
  • Grenville, A., Liberman, V., Rothschild, M., Sedlacek, J., French, R. H., Wheland, R. H., Zhang, X. H., & Gordan, J. H. (2002). Behavior of candidate organic pellicle materials under 157-nm laser irradiation. Proceedings of SPIE.
  • French, R. H., Wheland, R. H., Qiu, W. H., Lemon, M. H., Blackman, G. H., Zhang, X. H., Gordon, J. H., Liberman, V. H., Grenville, A. H., Kunz, R. H., & Rothschild, M. H. (2002). 157-nm pellicles: polymer design for transparency and lifetime. Proceedings of SPIE.
  • French, R. H. (2001). Quantitative analysis of valence electron energy-loss spectra of aluminium nitride. Journal of Microscopy, 191 (3), 286-296.
  • French, R. H. (2001). Bulk electronic structure of {SrTiO[sub} 3]: Experiment and theory. Journal of Applied Physics, 90 , 6156.
  • French, R. H., Gordon, J. H., Jones, D. H., Wheland, R. H., Zhang, X. H., Zumsteg, F. H., Sharp, K. H., & Qiu, W. H. (2001). Materials design and development of fluoropolymers for use as pellicles in 157-nm photolithography. Proc. SPIE 4346.
  • Crawford, M., Feiring, A., Feldman, J., French, R. H., Petrov, V. H., Schadt, F. H., Smalley, R. H., & Zumsteg Jr. , F. H. (2001). 157-nm imaging using thick single-layer resists. Proceedings of SPIE.
  • French, R. H. (2001). Orientation dependence in near-field scattering from {TiO2} particles. Applied Optics, 40 (22), 3726.
  • French, R. H., Wheland, R. H., Gordon, J. H., & Zhang, W. H. (2001). Optimizing polymers to increase pellicle lifetime and transmission for 157-nm lithography. Micro.
  • French, R. H., & Feldman, J. H. (2001). Progress in Materials Development for 157nm Photolithography: Photoresists and Pellicles. Semiconductor Fabtech.
  • French, R. H. (2001). Near-field scattering from red pigment particles: Absorption and spectral dependence. Journal of Applied Physics, 89 , 1898.
  • French, R. H. (2001). Valence electron energy loss study of Fe-doped {SrTiO3} and a 危13 boundary: electronic structure and dispersion forces. Ultramicroscopy, 86 , 303鈥318.
  • French, R. H. (2001). Light scattering from red pigment particles: Multiple scattering in a strongly absorbing system. Journal of Applied Physics, 89 , 283.
  • French, R. H. (). Adsorption and Wetting Mechanisms at Ceramic Grain Boundaries. American Ceramics Society.
  • French, R. H. (2001). Multiple scattering from rutile {TiO2} particles. Acta Materialia, 48 (18-19), 4571-4576.
  • French, R. H., Wheland, R. H., Jones, D. H., Hilfiker, J. H., Synowicki, R. H., Zumsteg, F. H., Feldman, J. H., & Feiring, A. H. (2000). Fluoropolymers for 157-nm lithography: optical properties from {VUV} absorbance and ellipsometry measurements. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4000, 4000
  • French, R. H., & M眉llejans, H. H. (2000). Insights Into the Electronic Structure of Ceramics Through Quantitative Analysis of Valence Electron Energy-loss Spectroscopy {(VEELS)}. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 6 , 297-306.
  • French, R. H., Crawford, M. H., Feiring, A. H., Feldman, J. H., Periyasamy, M. H., Schadt, F. H., Smalley, R. H., Zumsteg, F. H., Kunz, R. H., Rao, V. H., Lao, L. H., & Holl, S. H. (2000). New materials for 157-nm photoresists: characterization and properties. Proceedings of SPIE, 3999
  • French, R. H., Francis Carcia, P. H., Hughes, G. H., Torardi, C. H., Reynolds, G. H., & Dieu, L. H. (1999). Thin Films for Phase-shift Masks. Vaccum and Thin Film.
  • French, R. H., Francis Carcia, P. H., Reynolds, G. H., Hughes, G. H., Torardi, C. H., Jones, D. H., & Dieu, L. H. (1999). Optical superlattices as phase-shift masks for microlithography. Proceedings of SPIE, 3790
  • French, R. H., & Thiele, E. H. (1999). Computation of Light Scattering by Anisotropic Spheres of Rutile Titania. Advanced Materials, 10 (15), 1271-1276.
  • French, R. H., Reynolds, G. H., Francis Carcia, P. H., Torardi, C. H., Hughes, G. H., & Jones, D. H. (1998). {TiSi-nitride} attenuating phase-shift photomask for 193 nm lithography. SPIE, 3546
  • French, R. H., M眉llejans, H. H., & Jones, D. H. (1998). Dispersion forces and Hamaker constants for intergranular films in silicon nitride from spatially resolved-valence electron energy loss spectrum imaging. Acta Materialia, 46 (7), 2271-2287.
  • French, R. H., Johnson, R. H., & Thiele, E. H. (1997). Light-scattering efficiency of white pigments: an analysis of model core - shell pigments vs. optimized rutile {TiO2}. {TAPPI} Journal, 80 , 233-239.
  • French, R. H., & Thiele, E. H. (1997). Computational Modeling of {TiO2} Particle Optics Using a Finite Element Method. Proceedings of the Paint Research Association.
  • French, R. H., & M眉llejans, H. H. (1997). Improved Measurement and Analysis of Series of Valence Electron Energy Loss Spectra and the Local Electronic Structure. Proceedings of the Microscopy Society of America.
  • French, R. H., Francis Carcia, P. H., & Jones, D. H. (1997). Optical superlattices鈥攁 strategy for designing phase-shift masks for photolithography at 248 and 193 nm: Application to {AlN/CrN}. Applied Physics Letters, 70 (18), 2371-2373.
  • French, R. H. (1996). Materials Screening for Attenuating Embedded {Phase-Shift} Photoblanks for {DUV} and 193 nm Photolithography. SPIE.
  • French, R. H., & Xu, Y. H. (1996). First-principles investigation of the optical properties of crystalline poly(di-n-hexylsilane). Physical Review B, 54 (19), 13546-13550.
  • French, R. H., & M眉llejans, H. H. (1996). Interband electronic structure of a near- grain boundary in -alumina determined by spatially resolved valence electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 29 (7), 1751-1760.
  • French, R. H., & Mo, S. H. (1996). Optical properties of a near-Sigma-11 a axis tilt grain boundary in alpha-Al2O3. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 29 (7), 1761-1766.
  • French, R. H., & Xu, Y. H. (1996). Critical point analysis of the interband transition strength of electrons. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 29 (7), 1740-1750.
  • French, R. H., Ackler, H. H., & Chiang, Y. H. (1996). Comparisons of Hamaker Constants for Ceramic Systems with Intervening Vacuum or Water: From Force Laws and Physical Properties. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 179 (2), 460-469.
  • French, R. H. (1995). Interfacial Electronic Structure and Full Spectral Hamaker Constants of {Si3N4} Intergranular Films from {VUV} and {SR-VEEL} Spectroscopy. Materials Research Society.
  • French, R. H., Wilson, S. H., Naqvi, S. H., McNeil, J. H., Marchman, H. H., Johs, B. H., & Kalk, F. H. (1995). Metrology of etched quartz and chrome embedded phase shift gratings using scatterometry. SPIE, 2439
  • French, R. H. (1995). Full spectral calculation of non-retarded Hamaker constants for ceramic systems from interband transition strengths. Solid State Ionics, 75 , 13-33.
  • French, R. H. (1994). Quantitative Electronic Structure Analysis of {a-Al2O3} Using Spatially Resolved Valence Electron {Energy-Loss} Spectra. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.
  • French, R. H., Kalk, F. H., Alpay, U. H., & Hughes, G. H. (1994). Chromium-based attenuated embedded shifter preproduction. Proceedings of SPIE, 2322
  • French, R. H. (1994). Electrical breakdown of insulating ceramics in a high-radiation field. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 217 (1-2), 32-47.
  • French, R. H., Johs, B. H., Kalk, F. H., McGahan, W. H., & Woollam, J. H. (1994). Optical Analysis of Complex Multilayer Structures Using Multiple Data Types. SPIE, 2253
  • French, R. H., Kalk, F. H., Alpay, U. H., & Hughes, G. H. (1994). Attenuated Phase Shifting Photomasks Fabricated from {Cr-Based} Embedded Shifter Blanks. SPIE, 2254
  • French, R. H., Chiang, Y. H., Silverman, L. H., & Cannon, R. H. (1994). Thin Glass Film between Ultrafine Conductor Particles in {Thick-Film} Resistors. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 77 (5), 1143-1152.
  • French, R. H., Jones, D. H., & Loughin, S. H. (1994). Interband Electronic Structure of {alpha-Alumina} up to 2167 K. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 77 (2), 412-422.
  • French, R. H., Handwerker, C. H., & Cannon, R. H. (1994). Robert L. Coble: A Retrospective. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 77 (2), 293-297.
  • French, R. H. (1994). Experimental and theoretical determination of the electronic structure and optical properties of three phases of {ZrO2}. Physical Review B, 49 (8), 5133-5142.
  • French, R. H., & M眉llejans, H. H. (1993). Quantitative Electronic Structure Analysis of {a-Al2O3} Using Spatially Resolved Valence Energy-loss Spectra. {IOP} Publishing.
  • French, R. H., & Xu, Y. H. (1993). Electronic structure and interatomic bonding of crystalline {尾-BaB2O4} with comparison to {LiB3O5}. Physical Review B, 48 (24), 17695-17702.
  • French, R. H., Loughin, S. H., & Xu, Y. H. (1993). Electronic structure of aluminum nitride: Theory and experiment. Applied Physics Letters, 63 (9), 1182-1184.
  • French, R. H. (1993). Vibrational Spectroscopy of Aluminum Nitride. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 24 (29), 1132-1136.
  • French, R. H. (1992). Absorption Edge and Band Gap of {SiO2} Fused Silica Glass. American Ceramic Society.
  • French, R. H. (1992). Vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopy of the optical properties and electronic structure of seven poly(di-alkylsilanes). Synthetic Metals, 50 (1-3), 499-508.
  • French, R. H. (1991). Electronic structure of {尾-BaB2O4} and {LiB3O5} nonlinear optical crystals. APS Journal, 44 (16), 8496鈥8502.
  • French, R. H. (1991). Tunneling spectroscopic analysis of optically active wide band鈥恎ap semiconductors. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 9 (2), 551鈥556.
  • French, R. H. (1991). Linear and Nonlinear Optics of Substituted Polysilanes. Springer .
  • French, R. H., Thorne, J. H., Hochstrasser, R. H., Zeigler, J. H., Tilgner, A. H., Trommsdorff, P. H., Miller, R. H., & Fagan, P. H. (1991). Optical Studies of Polysilanes. Springer .
  • French, R. H., Thorne, J. H., Hochstrasser, R. H., Zeigler, J. H., Tilgner, A. H., Trommsdorff, P. H., Miller, R. H., & Fagan, P. H. (1991). Optical Studies of Polysilanes. Springer .
  • French, R. H., Rohrer, G. H., & Bonnell, D. H. (1990). Detection of Optically Excited States in {Wide-Band-Gap} Semiconductors with Tunneling Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 73 (11), 3257-3263.
  • French, R. H., Kasowski, R. H., Ohuchi, . H., Jones, D. H., Coble, R. H., & Song, H. H. (1990). Band Structure Calculations of the {High-Temperature} Electronic Structure of Magnesium Oxide. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 73 (11), 3195-3199.
  • French, R. H. (1990). Room-temperature optical absorption in undoped {伪-Al2O3}. Journal of Applied Physics, 67 (12).
  • French, R. H. (1990). Laser-plasma sourced, temperature dependent, {VUV} spectrophotometer using dispersive analysis. IOP Science, 41 (4).
  • French, R. H. (1990). Temperature dependence of the electronic structure of oxides: {MgO}, {MgAl}. IOP Science, 41 (4).
  • French, R. H. (1990). Electronic Band Structure of {Al2O3}, with Comparison to Alon and {AIN}. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 73 (3), 477-489.
  • French, R. H. (1990). Automatic Spectral Database and Archive System for Optical Spectroscopy. Optica Publishing group, 44 (7), 1221-1226.
  • French, R. H. (1990). A Vacuum Ultraviolet Investigation of the Electronic Structure of Single- and Polycrystalline Aluminum Nitride. .
  • French, R. H. (1990). Electronic Structure and Conductivity of {Al2O3}. Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
  • French, R. H. (1989). Optical reflectivity measurements using a laser plasma light source. Applied Physics, 55 (19).
  • French, R. H., Song, H. H., & Coble, R. H. (1989). Effect of Residual Strain on the Electronic Structure of Alumina and Magnesia. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 72 (6), 990-994.
  • French, R. H. (1989). Quantitative, {FFT-Based}, {Kramers-Kronig} Analysis for Reflectance Data. Optica Publishing group, 43 (8), 1498-1501.
  • French, R. H. (1989). Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Ceramics. American Ceramic Society.
  • French, R. H. (1988). Summary Abstract: Effect of oxygen incorporation in {AlN} thin films. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 6 (3).
  • French, R. H., Kasowski, R. H., & Ohuchi, . H. (1988). Theoretical and experimental studies on Cu metallization of {Al2O3}. Elsevier, 150 (1-2), 44-46.
  • French, R. H. (1988). Vacuum ultraviolet, photoemission and theoretical studies of the electronic structure of Al2O3 up to 1000掳C. Elsevier, 150 (1-2), 47-49.
  • French, R. H., Tebbe, F. H., Morris, P. H., Chowdhry, U. H., & Coble, R. H. (1988). Purity of Aluminum Hydroxide Derived from Triethylaluminum. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 71 (4), 204-206.
  • French, R. H. (1988). Polymer Ceramic Composites for Electronic Packaging Applications. Advanced Materials & Processes, 134 , 32鈥35.
  • French, R. H. (1987). Cu deposition on Al2O3 and AlN surfaces: Electronic structure and bonding. Journal of Applied Physics, 62 (6), 2286鈥2289.
  • French, R. H. (1987). Summary Abstract: A study of room-temperature {Cu鈥揂l2O3} and {Cu鈥揂lN} interfacial reactions. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 5 (4), 1175鈥1177.
  • French, R. H. (1987). Optical and electrical properties of niobium carbide. APS Journal, 35 (6).
  • French, R. H. (1985). Temperature Dependence of the {VUV} Optical Spectra and Band Structure of {Al2O3}. OAmg.
  • French, R. H. (1983). High Temperature Electronic Structure of Single Crystal Sapphire. .
  • French, R. H. (1983). High Temperature {VUV} Spectrophotometer. .
  • French, R. H., & Raj, R. H. (1979). Use of the Double Torsion Method to Study Crack Propagation in an Adhesive Layer. Compass, 7 (3), 160-167.
  • French, R. H. (1979). Use of Holographic Interferometry to Study Crack Propagation in {Metal-Plastic} Composites. .


Materials Science
Materials Science
Cornell University

Additional Information

Patents Received

  • 2015, "Aromatic and aromatic/heteroaromatic molecular structures with controllable electron conducting properties" 9169208, Roger French.
  • 2015, "Photocrosslinkable fluoropolymers, UV processes and photocrosslinked polymers" 9169338, Roger French.
  • 2015, "Optical element producing a modulated region of increased light intensity and optically enhanced photovoltaic cell and LED lighting device including the same" 9099592, Roger French.
  • 2014, "Photovoltaic Assemblies Incorporating an Optical Element Having Internal Inclusions Configured for Maximum Conversion Efficiency" US8648248 B2, Roger French, Jose Rodriguez-Parada, Ronald Riegert, & Mark Lewittes.
  • 2009, "Aromatic and Aromatic/Heteroaromatic Molecular Structures with Controllable Electron Conducting Properties" US 7,638,632, Roger French.
  • 2009, "Use of Highly Purified Hydrocarbons in Vacuum Ultraviolet Applications" 7,589,242, Roger French.
  • 2009, "Packages for Alkanes Having {Ultra-High} Transparency at 193 nm" 7,493,743, Robert Wheland, Curtis Fincher, Roger French, Sheng Peng, & Weiming Weiming.
  • 2008, "" 7,465, 667, Roger French, & Robert Wheland.
  • 2008, "Processes and Devices Using Polycyclic Fluoroalkanes in Vacuum and Deep Ultraviolet Applications" 7,435,528, Roger French, Robert Wheland, & Weiming Qiu.
  • 2008, "" 7,402,377, Roger French, & Robert Wheland.
  • 2007, "" 7,300,743, Roger French, David Jones, & Robert Wheland.
  • 2006, "Polymer-liquid Compositions Useful in Ultraviolet and Vacuum Ultraviolet Uses" 7,129,009, Roger French.
  • 2006, "Polycyclic Fluoroalkanes" 7,084,314, Roger French.
  • 2005, "Method for Providing Nano-structures of Uniform Length" 6,998,358, Roger French.
  • 2005, "Copolymers for Photoresists and Processes Therefor" 6,872,503, Roger French.
  • 2004, "Ultraviolet and Vacuum Ultraviolet Transparent Polymer Compositions and Their Uses" 6,824,930, Roger French.
  • 2002, "Use of Partially Fluorinated Polymers in Applications Requiring Transparency in the Ultraviolet and Vacuum Ultraviolet" 7,438,995, Roger French, Robert Wheland, & Weiming Qiu.
  • 2000, "Attenuating Phase Shift Photomasks" 6,096,460, Roger French.
  • 1997, "Attenuating Embedded Phase Shift Photomask Blanks" 5,897,976, Roger French, & Peter Francis Carcia.
  • 1997, "Attenuating embedded phase shift photomask blanks " 5,897,977, Roger French, & Peter Francis Carcia.
  • 1995, "Photomask Blanks" 5,459,002, Roger French.
  • 1995, "Photomask Blanks Comprising Transmissive Embedded Phase Shifter" 5,415,953, Roger French.
  • 1995, "Light Absorbing Dielectric Compositions" 5,393,465, Roger French.

Patents Pending

  • 2011, "Photocrosslinkable Fluoropolymers, UV Processes and Photocrosslinked Polymers" , Roger French.
  • 2011, "Optical Element Producing a Modulated Region of Increased Light Intensity and Opticall Enhanced Photovoltaic Cell and LED Lighting Device including the Same" US20120069580, Roger French, Rebekah Derryberry, Mark Lewittes, Ronald Riegert, & Jose Rodriguez-Parada.
  • 2011, "Photovoltaic Apparatus Including an Optical Element Producing a Modulated Region of Light Intensity" US20120006740, Roger French, Rebekah Derryberry, Mark Lewittes, Ronald Riegert, & Jose Rodriguez-Parada.
  • 2009, "Concentrator Solar Cell Modules With Light Concentrating Articles Comprising Ionomeric Materials" US20100154863, Roger French.
  • 2009, "Molding Processes For Light Concentrating Articles That Are Used In Solar Cell Modules" US 2011/0120525 A1, US20110120525, Roger French.