Maryse Lapierre-Landry, PhD

Research Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Case School of Engineering
School of Medicine

Research Information

Research Interests

Dr. Lapierre-Landry's research is focused on the development of image processing techniques, including machine learning, for applications in biomedical optical imaging. As more advanced optical instruments are developed in fields such as three-dimensional microscopy and optical coherence tomography, automated image analysis pipelines are needed to extract information from the larger and more complex datasets. From automatically segmenting blood vessels in the embryonic heart to evaluating complex patterns in corneal nerves, Dr. Lapierre-Landry aims to breach the gap between the novel optical instruments being developed and the biomedical scientists hoping to use them.


  • Lapierre-Landry, Maryse, et al. "Digital labeling for 3D histology: segmenting blood vessels without a vascular contrast agent using deep learning." Biomedical Optics Express 14.6 (2023): 2416-2431.
  • Lapierre-Landry, Maryse, et al. "Nuclei detection for 3d microscopy with a fully convolutional regression network." IEEE Access 9 (2021): 60396-60408.
  • Lapierre-Landry, Maryse, et al. "Three-dimensional alignment of microvasculature and cardiomyocytes in the developing ventricle." Scientific Reports 10.1 (2020): 14955.