James D. McGuffin-Cawley

Professor Emeritus
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Case School of Engineering

Studies processing of metals and ceramics.

Research Information

Research Interests

Advanced and established methods for processing of materials, industrial-university partnerships, high temperature diffusion and solid state reaction, numerical modeling, transport phenomena.


Schiltz, J., Alamos, F., Kozlovsky, K., Attardo, R., Gatrell, B., Budzinski, J., Tomonto, C., McGuffin-Cawley, J. D., & Schmid, S. D. (2020). Fatigue Performance of Direct Metal Laser Sintered Parts using Reused Metallic Feedstocks. Procedia Manufacturing, 48 , 814-820.

Nie, Z., Wang, G., McGuffin-Cawley, J. D., Narayanan, B. D., Zhang, S. D., Schwam, D. D., Kottman, M. D., & Rong, Y. D. (2016). Experimental Study and Modeling of H13 Steel Deposition Using Laser Hot-Wire Additive Manufacturing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology [09240136], 235 , 171-186.

Kottman, M., Zhang, S., McGuffin-Cawley, J. D., Denney, P. D., & Narayanan, B. D. (2015). Laser Hot Wire Process: A Novel Process for Near-Net Shape Fabrication for High-Throughput ApplicationsJOM, DOI: 10.1007/s11837-014-1288-1, published online Jan 21, 2015. Laser Hot Wire Process: A Novel Process for Near-Net Shape Fabrication for High-Throughput Applications, 67 (3), 622-928.

McGuffin-Cawley, J. D., Fergus, J. D., & Twigge-Molecey, C. D. (2013). Sustainability in Materials Education. JOM/TMS, 65 (8), 935-938.

Lin, P., Cheng, K., McGuffin-Cawley, J. D., Shieu, F. D., Samia, A. D., Gupta, S. D., Cooney, M. D., & Thompson, C. D. (2012). Detection of alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR), a biomarker of prostate cancer, in patient blood samples using a nanoparticle electrochemical biosensor. Biosensors, 2 (4), 377-387.


Ceramic Science
Ceramic Engineering
Alfred University