Teaching Information
Teaching Interests
Embedded Systems Design. Parallel Computer Architectures. Configurable Devices and FPGAs. Quantum Computing.
Research Information
Research Interests
Embedded System Design, Design Automation, Fault Tolerant and Secure System Design, VLSI CAD, Logic and High Level Synthesis, Reconfigurable Systems/FPGAs. Software and Hardware design for internet devices. Quantum Computer Architectures.
Awards and Honors
Wolff, F., Weyer, D., , & Clay, S. A. (2021). Design for Reliability: Tradeoffs between Lifetime and Performance due to Electromigration. Elsevier, Microelectronics Reliability, 117 , 12 pages.
MERO: A Statistical Approach for Hardware Trojan Detection, Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems Conference and Journal (CHES-09) pp. 396- 410, (R. Chakabotry, F. Wolff, S. Paul, C. Papachristou, S. Bhunia).
SRAM cell design using tri-state devices for SEU protection,鈥 15th IEEE International On-Line Testing Symposium, (IOLTS鈥09), pp. 114-119, (Y. Shiyanovskii, F. Wolff, C. Papachristou).
Avoiding Delay Jitter in Cyber-Physical Systems Using OneWay Delay Variations Model,鈥 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE鈥09), pp. 295-302, (H. Al-Omari, F. Wolff, C. Papachristou, D. McIntyre).
An Adaptable Task Manager for Reconfigurable Architecture Kernels,鈥 IEEE NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, (AHS鈥09), pp. 132-137, (Y. Shiyanovskii, F. Wolff, C. Papachristou, D. Wyer)
Smoothing Delay Jitter in Networked Control System. International Journal of Embedded Computing. Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 12-21, Jan. 2011 (Al Omari, C. Papachristou, F. Wolff, D. McIntyre).
Fast and Compact Binary-to-BCD Conversion Circuits for Decimal Multiplication. IEEE Int. Conf. Comp. Design (ICCD-2011), October 2011. (O. Khaleel, Z. Qouda, M. Khaleel, C. Papachristou, F. Wolff).
Probabilistic Multicast Trees. Journal of Computer Science and Technology. (April 2012). (D. Johnston, D. McIntyre, F. Wolff, C. Papachristou).
A Novel Radiation Tolerant SRAM Design Based on Synergetic Functional Component Separation for Nanoscale CMOS. IEEE Intern. Symp. on Online Testing (IOLTS-2011). July 2011. (Y. Shiyanovskii, A. Rajendran, C. Papachristou).
An Analysis of Efficient Formulas for Elliptic Curve Point Addition over Binary Extension Fields. IEEE Conf. on Information Science and Systems (CISS-2011). March 2011. (L. Leinweber, C. Papachristou. F. Wolff).
Optimizing Application Level Multicast Trees over Wireless Networks. IEEE National Aerospace & Electronics Conf. (NAECON'11), (D. Johnston, D. McIntyre, F. Wolff, C. Papachristou).
Noise Margin, Critical Charge and Power-Delay Tradeoffs for SRAM Design. IEEE Intern. Symp. on Online Testing (IOLTS-2011). July 2011. (A. Rajendran, Y. Shiyanovskii, F. Wolff, C. Papachristou).
Multiple-Parameter Side-Channel Analysis: A Non-invasive Hardware Trojan Detection Approach.
IEEE Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST'10), June 2010. [Best paper candidate]. (S. Narasimhan, D. Du, R. Chakraborty, S. Paul, F. Wolff, C. Papachristou, K. Roy and S. Bhunia).
Network Calibrarion of Embedded Sensors. IEEE National Aerospace & Electronics Conf. (NAECON'10), July 2010. (C. Papachristou, S. Bhunia, F. Wolff).
Effect of Voltage Scaling on Soft Error Protection Methods for SRAMs. IEEE National Aerospace & Electronics Conf. (NAECON'10), July 2010. (Y. Shiyanovskii, A. Rajendran, F. Wolff, C. Papachristou).
System level self-healing for parametric yield and reliability improvement under power bound. EEE NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS'2010), June 2010. (S. Narasimhan, S. Paul, R. Chakraborty, F. Wolff, C. Papachristou, D. Weyer, S. Bhunia).