Awards and Honors
Abbasi, K., Smith, H., Hoffman, M., Farghadany, E., Bruckman, L., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2021). Dimensional Stacking for Machine Learning in ToF-SIMS Analysis of Heterostructures. ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES, 8 (3).
Crowley, K., Pachuta, K., Radha, S., Volkova, H., Sehirlioglu, A., Pentzer, E., ... Gao, X. (2020). Electrical Characterization and Charge Transport in Chemically Exfoliated 2D Li x CoO 2 Nanoflakes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (38), 20693-20700.
Huddleston, W., Dynys, F., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2020). Nickel percolation and coarsening in sintered Li 4 Ti 5 O 12 anode composite. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103 (8), 4178-4188.
Williams, R., Bagues, N., Farghadany, E., Sehirlioglu, A., & McComb, D. (2020). Characterization of Nano-Scale Defects in Pulsed Laser Deposited (PLD) Thin Films of Li 3x Nd (2/3-x)(1/3-2x) TiO3 (NLTO) by Aberration Corrected HR-STEM Imaging and Dual-EELS. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26 (S2), 3166-3167.
Collins, L., Vasudevan, R., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2020). Visualizing Charge Transport and Nanoscale Electrochemistry by Hyperspectral Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (29), 33361-33369.
Huddleston, W., Dynys, F., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2020). Effects of microstructure on fracture strength and conductivity of sintered NMC333. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103 (3), 1527-1535.
Pachuta, K., Pentzer, E., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2020). Evaluating the chemical exfoliation of lithium cobalt oxide using UV-Vis spectroscopy. Nanoscale Advances, 2 (11), 5362-5374.
Hudak, B., Sun, W., Mackey, J., Ullah, A., Sehirlioglu, A., Dynys, F., ... Guiton, B. (2019). Observation of Square-Planar Distortion in Lanthanide-Doped Skutterudite Crystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (23), 14632-14638.
Edgehouse, K., Escamilla, M., Wang, L., Dent, R., Pachuta, K., Kendall, L., ... Pentzer, E. (2019). Stabilization of oil-in-water emulsions with graphene oxide and cobalt oxide nanosheets and preparation of armored polymer particles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 541 (), 269-278.
Pachuta, K., Pentzer, E., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2019). Cation Deficiency Associated with the Chemical Exfoliation of Lithium Cobalt Oxide. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, ().
Balachandran, P., Kowalski, B., Sehirlioglu, A., & Lookman, T. (2018). Experimental search for high-temperature ferroelectric perovskites guided by two-step machine learning. Nature Communications, 9 (1).
Jalabert, D., Zaid, H., Berger, M., Fongkaew, I., Lambrecht, W., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2018). Ion blocking dip shape analysis around a LaAlO 3 /SrTiO 3 interface. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 423 (), 67-71.
Zaid, H., Berger, M., Jalabert, D., Walls, M., Akrobetu, R., Goble, N., ... Sehirlioglu, A. (2018). Role of the different defects, their population and distribution in the LaAlO 3 /SrTiO 3 heterostructure's behavior. Journal of Applied Physics, 123 (15).
Goble, N., Akrobetu, R., Zaid, H., Sucharitakul, S., Berger, M., Sehirlioglu, A., ... Gao, X. (2017). Anisotropic electrical resistance in mesoscopic LaAlO3/SrTiO3 devices with individual domain walls. Scientific Reports, 7 (), 44361 .
Kowalski, B., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2017). High temperature limitation due to onset of depoling in BiScO3–PbTiO3. J. Appl. Phys., 121 (), 064106.
Goble, N., Akrobetu, R., Zaid, H., Sucharitakul, S., Berger, M., Sehirlioglu, A., ... Gao, X. (2017). Anisotropic electrical resistance in mesoscopic LaAlO3/SrTiO3 devices with individual domain walls. Scientific Reports, 7 (), 44361.
Fongkaew, I., Akrobetu, R., Sehirlioglu, A., Voevodin, A., Limpijumnong, S., & Lambrecht, W. (2017). Core-level binding energy shifts as a tool to study surface processes on LaAlO 3 /SrTiO 3. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 218 (), 21-29.
Kowalski, B., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2017). High temperature limitation due to onset of depoling in BiScO 3 –PbTiO 3. Journal of Applied Physics, 121 (6), 064106.
Faber, K., Asefa, T., Backhaus-Ricoult, M., Brow, R., Chan, J., Dillon, S., ... Yildiz, B. (2017). The role of ceramic and glass science research in meeting societal challenges: Report from an NSF-sponsored workshop. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, ().
Zaid, H., Berger, M., Jalabert, D., Walls, M., Akrobetu, R., Fongkaew, I., ... Sehirlioglu, A. (2016). Atomic-resolved depth profile of strain and cation intermixing around LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces. Scientific Reports [20452322], 6 ().
Mackey, J., Dynys, F., Hudak, B., Guiton, B., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2016). CoxNi4−xSb12−ySny skutterudites: processing and thermoelectric properties. J. Mater. Sci., 51 (13), 6117.
Altfeder, I., Lee, H., Hu, J., Naguy, R., Sehirlioglu, A., Reed, A., ... Eom, C. (2016). Scanning tunneling microscopy of an interfacial two-dimensional electron gas in oxide heterostructures. Physical Review B [10980121], 93 (11).
Duran, C., Yildiz, A., Dursun, S., Mackey, J., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2016). Thermoelectric Characteristics of Textured KSr2Nb5O15 Ceramics. Scripta Materialia, 112 (), 114.
Kowalski, B., Sayir, A., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2016). Aliovalent MnTi and GaTi substitution in high temperature piezoelectric (x)Bi(Zn0.5Zr0.5)O3 – (y)BiScO3 – (100-x-y)PbTiO3,. J. Mater. Sci., 51 (14), 6761.
Mackey, J., Dynys, F., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2015). Analytic thermoelectric couple optimization introducing device design factor and fin factor. Appl. Energ. , 134 (), 374.
McGrail, B., Sehirlioglu, A., & Pentzer, E. (2015). Polymer Composites for Thermoelectric Applications. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. , 54 (6), 1710.
Mackey, J., Dynys, F., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2015). Si/Ge-WSi2 composites: Processing and thermoelectric properties. ACTA MATERIALIA, 98 (), 263-274.
Ghoniem, N., Sehirlioglu, A., Neff, A., Allain, J., Williams, B., & Sharghi-Moshtaghin, R. (2015). Sputtering of molybdenum and tungsten nano rods and nodules irradiated with 150 eV argon ions. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 331 (), 299-308.
Mackey, J., Dynys, F., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2014). Uncertainty analysis for common Seebeck and electrical resistivity measurement systems. Rev. Sci. Inst. , 85 (08), 085119.
Kowalski, B., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2014). Characterization of the High-Temperature Ferroelectric (100−x−y)BiScO3–(x)Bi(Zr0.5Zn0.5)O3–(y)PbTiO3 Perovskite Ternary Solid Solution. J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 97 (2), 490.
Dynys, F., Sayir, A., Mackey, J., & Sehirlioglu, A. (2014). Thermoelectric Properties of WSi2 – SixGe(1-x) Composites. . Alloys and Compounds , 604 (), 196.