Thomas S. McCormick, PhD

Skin Study Center
School of Medicine
Associate Professor
Department of Dermatology
School of Medicine

Thomas S. McCormick, Ph.D., joined ǿմý and University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center in 1997. Dr. McCormick’s training began at Ohio University where received his M.S/Ph.D. in Molecular/Cellular Biology. He was then accepted into the post doctoral program at ǿմý in Hematology/Oncology.Dr. McCormick is the Director for Basic Science Research and Associate Director Skin Diseases Research Center (SDRC) at ǿմý and University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. He is an internationally recognized expert in the immuno-pathogenesis of psoriasis.

Dr. McCormick was the inaugural recipient of the Eugene Farber Award from the Society for Investigative Dermatology for excellence in research in psoriasis. He and his colleagues hold several patents including the photodynamic therapy compound phthalocyanin-4, currently in Phase I clinical trials for psoriasis. Dr. McCormick has published extensively on the immunology of psoriasis and several other cutaneous diseases and is the author of more than 70 primary peer-reviewed research articles, numerous review articles and text book chapters.

His research and training has been supported by grants from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research and the National Cancer Institute. Dr. McCormick is a member the American Association of Immunologists and the Society for Investigative Dermatology.

Research Information

Research Interests

  • Immunological basis of psoriasis
  • Dermatology
  • Immunology
  • Autoimmune disease 
  • Skin cancer

Research Projects

Dr. McCormick’s current research focuses on cutaneous immune regulation and innate immunity. His laboratory group addresses the mechanisms of immune regulation in psoriasis. Understanding the function and control of regulatory cells (T cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells) in psoriatic and non-psoriatic individuals will provide knowledge important to preventing or modifying autoimmune responses. Dr. McCormick has identified several candidate genes specific to regulatory T cells in both normal and psoriatic patients. Isolating and characterizing these regulatory T cell response elements is one current focus of research for his laboratory.

Dr. McCormick’s second avenue of research is the innate immune response of epithelial cells. Dr. McCormick and his colleagues in the School of Dental Medicine and the Case Proteomics Center are applying comparative proteomics between immune-competent and immuno-compromised mucosae to address the innate immune response to bacterial and viral challenges.

Awards and Honors

Department of Dermatology Research Mentor Award
American Heart Association Scientist Development Grant
American Heart Association Scientist Development Grant, 1998-2001
Research Initiation Grant, 1998
American Society of Hematology (ASH) Travel Award Annual meeting
NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship; Hematology/Oncology Training grant, 1994-96
Outstanding graduate student teacher
Ohio University Biological Sciences

Professional Memberships

Fellow, American Heart Association


Book Chapters

McCormick, T.S. and Distelhorst, C.W. 1996. "Steroid Hormones and Hormone Receptors." In: The Molecular Biology of Cancer , Academic Press, Inc.

Judware, R., Yun, J.K., McCormick, T.S., and E.G. Lapetina. 1998. "Integrin Expression and Macrophage Resistance to Apoptosis in Atherosclerosis." In: Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 247-252

Judware R., McCormick, T.S., Yun, J.K., and Lapetina, E.G. 1998. "Nitric Oxide-Induced Apoptosis of RAW264.7 Peritoneal Macrophages: Relationship Between Apoptosis and Integrin Expression Profiles." In: Proceedings 2nd International Paraelios Symposium.

McCormick, T.S. and Lapetina, E.G. 1998. "Macrophage Differentiation and Resistance to Apoptosis: Characterization for Atherogenesis Models."

Lu, K., McCormick, T.S., Kang, K., Gilliam, A.C., and Cooper, K.D., "Monocytes and macrophages in human skin." Skin Immune System: Cutaneous Immunology and Clinical Immunodermatology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 2005, pg. 183-209

Kagen, MH, McCormick, TS and Cooper KD. “Regulatory T cells in Psoriasis”. Cytokines as Potential Therapeutic Targets in Inflammatory Skin Diseases. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 2005. Pg. 193-209


Doctor of Philosophy
Ohio University
Master of Science
Ohio University
Bachelor of Science
University of Pittsburgh

Residencies, Internships and Fellowships

Postdoctoral Fellow
Tropical and Geographical Disease Institute, Ohio University
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Hematology/Oncology, ǿմý
Fellow, NIH Training Grant
Department of Hematology/Oncology, ǿմý
Postdoctoral Fellow
Molecular Cardiovascular Research Center, ǿմý
Postdoctoral Fellowship
American Heart Association, Ohio Affiliate

Additional Information

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