The following is a message from the Associate Director for Basic Research, Ruth Keri, PhD.
I want to thank you all for continuing to attend our weekly Cancer Center Seminar Series as we transitioned to a virtual format three weeks ago. By tuning in via Zoom, we have the opportunity to continue to highlight innovative research, partake in Q & A with our speakers and earn CME credit from any location, despite our need to be physically separated for the health and safety of our community. It is important to remember that physical distancing does not necessitate social or academic isolation; instead we must seize the opportunity to identify novel ways for making progress. Each Friday at noon, we’ve seen over 50 people join the seminar virtually and I look forward to further virtual engagement through the remainder of the semester. As we press forward together, I encourage you to review the tips below for a positive virtual seminar experience during this challenging time.
- CME credit can be claimed using the CloudCME code which is distributed in our Thursday seminar reminder emails, in the pre-presentation rotating slides, and announced at the beginning of each presentation.
- Please remain muted throughout the presentation with your video off to decrease distractions.
- If you experience poor audio quality, please click the arrow to the right of the microphone icon on your toolbar. Select ‘Switch to Phone Audio’ and follow instructions to dial in .
- Questions are welcomed and encouraged!
- Using the chat function in the Zoom toolbar, type in your question at any point in the presentation and it will be read by the moderator at an appropriate time.
- When the presenter asks for questions, unmute yourself by clicking the microphone or phone icon in the Zoom toolbar to ask your question directly. Please wait for the appropriate time to do so.
- Please help us make speakers feel welcomed and appreciated. When the seminar speaker has completed their presentation, please unmute your audio and clap for them, just as we would in-person.
- Explore for more information and resolutions to common issues.