Anirban Sen Gupta, PhD

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Case School of Engineering
School of Medicine
Cancer Imaging Program
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

Research Information

Research Interests

Our principal research focus is on Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine. It encompasses mechanistic understanding of biological and pathological phenomena at the cellular, sub-cellular and biomolecular levels, and utilizing this knowledge to create bioinspired therapeutic and diagnostic technologies to interrogate, support, or treat the various phenomena. To this end, our laboratory focuses on understanding the complex pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and then on using this insight to develop disease-targeted therapeutic strategies by integrating critical physical, chemical and biological components at nano-to-micro scales.

Our main research interests are in the areas of:

  • Novel biomaterials to modulate biologic interactions and responses
  • Drug formulation and disease-targeted drug delivery systems

The physiological and pathological areas we focus on are hemostasis, thrombosis, inflammation, immune response and cancer metastasis. The tools that we use are biochemical properties like disease-relevant heteromultivalent ligand-receptor interactions, integrated with biophysical attributes of biomaterial platforms like shape, size, charge and morphology), to create customizable and translatable targeted drug delivery technologies.


  • Platelet-mimicking procoagulant nanoparticles augment hemostasis in animal models of bleeding.
    Sekhon UDS, Swingle K, Girish A, Luc N, de la Fuente M, Alvikas J, Haldeman S, Hassoune A, Shah K, Kim Y, Eppell S, Capadona J, Shoffstall A, Neal MD, Li W, Nieman M, Sen Gupta A.
    Science Translational Medicine 2022 Jan 26;14(629):eabb8975. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abb8975. Epub 2022 Jan 26.
    PMID: 35080915 Free PMC article.
  • Nanomedicine platform for targeting activated neutrophils and neutrophil-platelet complexes using an α1-antitrypsin-derived peptide motif
    Cruz MA, Bohinc D, Andraska EA, Alvikas J, Raghunathan S, Masters NA, van Kleef ND, Bane KL, Hart K, Medrow K, Sun M, Liu H, Haldeman S, Banerjee A, Lessieur EM, Hageman K, Gandhi A, de la Fuente M, Nieman MT, Kern TS, Maas C, de Maat S, Neeves KB, Neal MD, Sen Gupta A, Stavrou EX. 
    Nature Nanotechnology. 2022 Sep;17(9):1004-1014. doi: 10.1038/s41565-022-01161-w. Epub 2022 Jul 18.
    PMID: 35851383 Free PMC article.  
  • Platelet-Inspired Intravenous Nanomedicine for Injury-Targeted Direct Delivery of Thrombin to Augment Hemostasis in Coagulopathies.
    Girish A, Jolly K, Alsaadi N, de la Fuente M, Recchione A, An R, Disharoon D, Secunda Z, Raghunathan S, Luc NF, Desai C, Knauss E, Han X, Hu K, Wang H, Sekhon UDS, Rohner N, Gurkan UA, Nieman M, Neal MD, Sen Gupta A. 
    ACS Nano. 2022 Oct 25;16(10):16292-16313. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.2c05306. Epub 2022 Aug 2.
    PMID: 35916497 Free PMC article.

Additional Information