- Diversity Plan Ideas for Deans Sample: DiversityForDeansSample
- ACES Speed Mentoring Event Participant Evaluations: Speed_Mentoring_Eval_2008
- 2nd Year Faculty Survey: 2²Ô»å³å³Û±ð²¹°ù³å¹ó²¹³¦³Ü±ô³Ù²â³å³§³Ü°ù±¹±ð²â‌
- Final Report on Student Training For Gender Awareness: StudentTrainingForGenderAwarenessFinalReport
- Five-Year Evaluation and Research of NSF Indicators: 5³å³Û±ð²¹°ù³å±·³§¹ó³å±õ²Ô»å¾±³¦²¹³Ù´Ç°ù²õ‌
- AAUDE Report to the FSCC: AAU_Salary_Report_to_FSCC_Rev4-08
- ACES Final Report: ACESfinalreport
- Summary of Offer Letter Data Analysis: Offer_Letter_Study_Summary
- Salary Equity Study: Salary_Equity_Study_06-16-08
- Tracking Gender and Racial Diversity of Faculty Searches during 2001-2006(Bilimoria, Jeffrey, and Liang, 2008): Candidate_Pool Study_Final_Report_6-26-08
- Breaking Barriers and Creating Inclusiveness: Lessons of Organizational Transformation to Advance Women Faculty in Academic Science and Engineering (Bilimoria, Joy, and Liang, 2008):
- Presentation (July): Title_IX_Bilimoria_Breaking_Barriers_7-23-08
- Report: µþ¾±±ô¾±³¾´Ç°ù¾±²¹³åµþ°ù±ð²¹°ì¾±²Ô²µ³åµþ²¹°ù°ù¾±±ð°ù²õ³å±á¸é²Ñ³å2008‌
- Presentation (September): BreakingBarriers
- Department Information Packets: Dept_Info_Packs
- Results from the Faculty Exit Survey: Results_Faculty_Exit_Survey
- Technology Transfer 101: Mechanisms and Opportunities for Commercializing Your Intellectual Property (Dobrea and Jankowski, 2008): Tech_Transfer_101_PPT
- Tech Transfer University Spin-Offs Presentation: Tech_Transfer_University_Spin_Offs_PPT
- ACES Speed Mentoring Event Participation Evaluations: ‌Speed_Mentoring_Eval_2007
- ACES Speed Mentoring Event Participation Evaluation Summary: Speed_Mentoring_Evaluation_Summary
- Annual Report for the National Science Foundation ADVANCE Project Year 4: Annual_Report_YR4
- Report on Gender Awareness Component: Gender_Awareness
- Mentoring Across Gender and Ethnicity: What Mentees say about Mentors (Lynn Singer, 2007): srcd_2007
- Final Report of 2007 Faculty Climate Study: 2007Faculty_Climate_Final
- Fixing Engineering's Gender Gap (Wadhwa, 2006): Biz_Week_Eng_story
- Annual Report for the NSF ADVANCE Project Year 3: Annual_Report_YR3
- Dept. Chair Packet: Chair_Packet
- COACHE Summary Report 2005-2006: COACHE-1
- Packet for Male Faculty: Male_Packet
- Packet for Women Faculty: Women_info_Packet
- Retreat (October 2004):
- ACES Retreat Presentation: ACES Retreat presentation
- Agenda - Breakdown: Agenda - breakdown
- ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers (Douglas): Douglas
- NSF ACES Provost's Leadership Retreat (Mukasa): Mukasa
- ACES Research and Evaluation, Resource Equity Commerce: Resource Equity
- The Science Glass Ceiling (Rosser): Rosser
- Successful Recruitment of Female Engineering Faculty (Savinell): Savinell
- Advancing Women in Science - STRIDE in Context (Stewart): Stewart
- The Academic Glass Ceiling: Women Faculty in STEM Fields (Bilimoria and Liang, 2005): AcademicGlassCeiling
- A Good Place to Do Science: An Exploratory Case Study of an Academic Science(Bilimoria and Jordan, 2005): AGoodPlaceToDoScience
- Case DC Chair Panel: CaseDCChairPanel
- Annual Report for the NSF ADVANCE Project Year 2: AnnualReport_YR2
- A Good Place to Do Science: A Case Study of an Academic Science Department(Bilimoria and Jordan, 2005)‌
- Executive Summary: CaseSciDeptStudyExecSumry
- Presentation: CaseStudy
- How Do Female and Male Faculty Members Construct Job Satisfaction? (Bilimoria, Perry, Liang, Higgins, Stoller, and Taylor, 2005): ClimateSurveyposter
- An Integrated Coaching and Mentoring Program for University Transformation(Bilimoria, Hopkins, and O'Neil, 2005): FinalACESPoster
- Gender Differences in Major Federal External Grant Programs (Hosek, Cox, Ghosh-Dastidar, Kofner, Ramphal, Scott, and Berry, 2005): Gender_Differences_in_NIH_grants_report
- Gender Issues in the Path to Academic Leadership (Tracy, Mark Singer, and Lynn Singer, 2005): Gender_Issues_in_the_Path_to_Academic_Leadership
- Graduate Student - Faculty Relations: Exploring Gender and Nationality (Perry, Joy, Lang, Bilimoria, Gordon, Higgins, Stroller, and Taylor, 2005): GraduateStudent
- The Role of Research in Institutional Change: Evidence from ADVANCE Institutions(Bilimoria, 2005)
- NIH Grants Go Much More Often to Men Than Women, a New Study for Congress Finds (Jacobson, 2005): The_Chronicle_NIH_grants_article
- Assessing And Improving The Progress of Women Faculty at Case: ACES Program(Lynn Singer, 2005): REC-ADVANCE_Oct_03
- A Good Place to Do Science: An Exploratory Case Study of an Academic Science (Bilimoria and Jordan, 2005): science_department
- Transforming the Faculty Mindset (Bilimoria and Perry, 2005): TransformingFacultyMindset
- Suggested Elements of an Effective Offer Letter (Higgins, Stoller, and Taylor, 2006): Elements_of_offer_letters
- Institutionalizing ACES: Campus Climate Transformation at Case Summary Report and Recommendations on Brainstorming Sessions (Rimnac, 2006): ClimateChangeBrainstorming
- Year 3 Exit Survey Summary: Exit_Survey_Summary
- Mentoring Program Evaluation 2005-2006: Mentoring_Evaluation_Report2005
- Gentle Suggestions for an Effective Website: website_suggestions
- Resource Equity at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½: Results of Faculty Focus Groups: resourcequity
- Advance Proposal: AdvanceProposal
- A National Analysis of Diversity in Science and Engineering Faculties at Research Universities (Nelson and Rogers, 2004)
- Resource Equity at ÐÇ¿Õ´«Ã½: Qualitative Baseline Data Report: Test_Depts_Focus_Group_Report_2004
- Annual Report for the NSF ADVANCE Program, Year 1: NSF_ADVANCE_ACES_Year_1_Annual
- Report of the 2004 University Community and Climate Survey: faculty_engagement_10_04
- Gender Schemas at Work: valian1